When I eat His words my heart rejoices and is full of joy.

We have embarked on an epic journey into the Word of God. Not a knowing by the intellect but by the heart. Revelation knowledge is given to us by our Father in heaven and is not attainable through our flesh. Because of this, we should not think that we are accumulating truth, but rather experiencing truth like food. We receive life to our spirit and understanding to our hearts, turning to the Lord as we read, we see Jesus.

Food is not accumulated when eaten but digested and used for energy, as life to the body. When we continue to return to the scriptures, we are changed by the truth we experience. Let’s not stop reading when we fall behind but start again.  Start with today’s bread from heaven and receive the nourishment it brings.


WATCH That I May Know Him Week 02 PODCAST




Matthew 8 – 14
Jesus is at the height of His ministry, going about doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the devil. He calls His twelve disciples and gives them the power to do the same. However, cracks are showing with the envy of man and His family’s concern. Even John the Baptist’s faith is challenged. Jesus begins teaching in parables. Chapter 14 brings sorrow as John the Baptist is beheaded, and joy and wonder as Jesus multiplies the fish and the loaves.


Romans 8 – 14
Chapter 8 gives us “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” (v. 2) and our adoption. Chapters 9 through 11 cover God’s commitment to Israel, our dependency on faith in Jesus, and God’s promise to save. Chapter 12 is our consecration, Chapter 13 is our call to submission, and Chapter 14 is our call to neither judge nor show contempt for one another.



Genesis 8 – 14
Noah comes out of the Ark, wins the heart of God with the first burnt offering, and God swears by Himself that He will never flood the earth again. Things have changed; Noah’s family grows, and Babel is built and then stopped. Shem’s descendants to Abram are listed. Chapter 12 shifts the focus to Abram with his rescue of Lot, his meeting Melchizedek, and his receiving the blessing of God Most High.


Job 8 – 14
Job is in the thick of arguing with his friends. They continue to find fault and become increasingly more combative against him. Job, in turn, is justifying Himself, uttering his complaints, and fending off their aggressive accusations.


Isaiah 8 – 14
Isaiah is being led to speak to kings and nations while being told not to fear them, but God only. The King is coming—the promised Messiah—”…and of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end” (Isaiah 9:7). More nations will be punished as will the fruit of the arrogant, but there is coming a Rod from the stem of Jesse. Chapter 12 is a hymn of praise. Chapters 13 and 14 speak to Babylon ending with the fall of Lucifer.