When we are born again, we are accepted in the Beloved. Another way of saying this is we are graced in the Graced One. In other words, we are completely and totally inside of Christ and inside His place as Son before the Father. We are holy and without blame before the Father, in love. Redeemed by His blood, the forgiveness of sins, we live inside His grace. He is making His grace to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence.
So, inside of Jesus, we are – accepted, loved, graced, redeemed, forgiven, justified, glorified, and so much more. We have an inheritance and the Holy Spirit who seals us in Jesus—promises, spiritual blessing in heavenly places, fruit and gifts. The list just keeps growing and growing with no end in sight. I believe that for all eternity, we will be discovering the riches of Christ.
So, where to begin? Jesus came as Savior. I have found, that Jesus delights in being for me, what I need Him to be. So I begin in my meditation and praise with what I need Jesus to be. If I need healing He is my healer. If I need acceptance and confidence, in God’s love for me, then I meditate on my acceptance in the Beloved.
Accepted in the Beloved, we are graced inside His beloved Son. Inside Christ, not outside—graced and loved, holy and blameless. Taking each word, I ponder its meaning, taking time to feel the warmth of the sound. I allow my imagination to see what I am hearing. Accepted: Welcomed, received, and graced inside of the Beloved. I have a place prepared for me, here inside the Beloved. I am welcomed and received as a son not a slave. Fear has no place here, only love. And so, I rest in the knowing – I am accepted in the Beloved.