Last Sunday, we all stepped together as a body into the truth that we are in Christ. We then accepted together the truth that we were made alive together with Christ, raised together, and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 2:4-7)
This foundational truth, began our moving into the building this Sunday, March 28th, Passover/Palm Sunday. We are moving into the building to facilitate discipleship, and to grow up in all things, into Him who is the head—Christ.
We plan to have coffee and donuts in the courtyard beginning at 9:30 am. We are also plannning a prophetic/blessing tent where you can give your name and, upon leaving service, pick up your blessing in a sealed envelope to pray and experience.
Service begins at 10:00 am. Children’s Ministry is moving inside into brand new classrooms, and Youth ministry begins again on Sunday for Middle School and High School. We will worship and receive communion together as one body in Christ, and individually as members. I will share the vision of our future in Christ. We will continue our live broadcast on YouTube – JubilecChurchCA and on-demand, as one body, with individual members in many locations.
We are coming out of this crisis in health and wealth! This Sunday begins the manifestation of the Spirit of the Lord—in Christ.