Fire on the Altar

His altar is open for exchange of ourselves for Himself. Last Sunday, as we entered again into worship after the service blessing, I heard the Lord say to me, “I want you to open the altars for prayer after service as you have opened worship after service.” Last year,...

Prayer and the Ministry of the Word

How important are they? The church was growing, so much so that certain widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food. There arose a complaint. Acts 6 The apostles called the church together and stated, “It is not desirable that we should leave the...

Why Pray?

Here are some reasons why. Prayer is our communication with God. Prayer, with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, is our transformation from God. Prayer changes us into the image of Christ. Prayer is our way to bring our needs to God and receive His peace to guard...


Last Tuesday, I was surprised by God. I went into our staff meeting last Tuesday expecting the normal and was surprised by many friends and colleagues as they sang, “Happy Birthday to you.” I was totally surprised! It wasn’t a party because Brian Rogers had said I...

Faith That Pleases God

Hope that keeps us coming Enoch pleased God. His faith pleased God; His faith kept him coming to God. Enoch walked with God and one day the Lord took him to heaven. Enoch had a testimony that he pleased God. Faith is the testimony, and it carries two recognizable...

Overcoming the War against the Saints

If you feel fatigued, you are not alone. On Wednesday, 4/24/24, the Lord spoke to me. He said that He would meet me in the following numbers. It was our day of prayer, and as I sat in the Sanctuary the phrase, “Twenty-four elders” came to me. I knew it was in...