Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am.

Jubilee Church ~ 1169 Calle Suerte ~ Camarillo, CA 93012

Wednesday Prayer Service 6:00 pm



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Secret Place Weekly Blog

Why I Tithe

Being blessed with believing Abraham I tithe that I may be blessed with believing Abraham. Not the law of tithing but the faith of Abraham when he met Melchizedek after he had destroyed the four kingdoms that had taken his nephew Lot captive. He came back with a vast...

Why I Pray

I pray to know Christ and to be fully known. I pray to live; to live in Christ in His vibrant life that is mine if I will pursue Him. He is my shepherd and I hear His voice, and He knows me, and I follow Him. I hear His voice. This may sound simple and obvious, but it...

Why I Read the Bible

It is the truth that saves me. I read the bible daily, five Psalms followed by our “Know Him,” Bible guide, which we read together. It includes a Chapter in the Gospels/Acts and the Epistles/Revelation. This is Tier One – two Chapters in the New Testament daily. I...

All Eyes On Jesus

It’s time to look up! When I set my eyes on Jesus, I look up! I look up because Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God in heavenly places far above. I see Jesus in His perfection! I meditate on His glorified High Priestly ministry. I see Jesus where He is...

Soften Our Hearts

It’s easy to harden our hearts; but not so easy to soften. To soften our hearts, we must make an effort to yield to the Lord in His truth of scripture and Holy Spirit conviction. Personally, I have found that softening my heart often takes a rending, like a garment....

Opening Our Hearts to the Voice of Jesus

Our hearts are either the throne for our Lord or our idols When Jesus sent a letter to the Laodiceans in Revelation 3, He concluded His call to action by saying, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him...

Fire on the Altar

His altar is open for exchange of ourselves for Himself. Last Sunday, as we entered again into worship after the service blessing, I heard the Lord say to me, “I want you to open the altars for prayer after service as you have opened worship after service.” Last year,...

Prayer and the Ministry of the Word

How important are they? The church was growing, so much so that certain widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food. There arose a complaint. Acts 6 The apostles called the church together and stated, “It is not desirable that we should leave the...

Why Pray?

Here are some reasons why. Prayer is our communication with God. Prayer, with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, is our transformation from God. Prayer changes us into the image of Christ. Prayer is our way to bring our needs to God and receive His peace to guard...


Last Tuesday, I was surprised by God. I went into our staff meeting last Tuesday expecting the normal and was surprised by many friends and colleagues as they sang, “Happy Birthday to you.” I was totally surprised! It wasn’t a party because Brian Rogers had said I...

That I May Know Him Blog

That I May Know Him – Week 30

Our Bible reading is about to pay rich dividends. It’s all about Jesus! That’s why we are reading the New Testament three times this year and the Old Testament only once. This is because now everything is spoken in the Son. God speaks Jesus. This week, we are...

That I May Know Him – Week 29

All Scripture is profitable and equips us thoroughly. We cover Timothy and Titus and walk with Jesus up to His arrest in the Gospel of John. We will finish Judges and read through Ruth. Psalms of Ascents continue, and we will read the description of Ezekiel’s Temple....

That I may Know Him – Week 28

The Holy Spirit and belief in the truth bring sanctification into glory. 2 Thessalonians 2 contrasts two moves of mankind. One away from God called the “falling away.” The other is the “obtaining the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” What is central is that the falling...

That I May Know Him – Week 27

Let us celebrate our freedom in Christ! The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American Independence and was cast with the inscription, “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10). In North America, we celebrate the...

That I May Know Him – Week 26

Freedom and our Inheritance are found in Bible reading! I enjoy reading aloud the scriptures and I enjoy listening to the scriptures being read. I do both depending on my day and time restraints. In twenty-some minutes I can listen to five chapters we are reading as I...

That I may Know Him – Week 25

The word of God will make us free because it brings us to Jesus. Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him, “If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31, 32). That’s how powerful...

That I May Know Him – Week 24

The Lord told Joshua to be strong and courageous and then He told him how. Strength and courage are required today in the face of so many uncertainties. God’s ability to perform His promises is ours to expect. But, when fear and dismay take over through our senses and...

That I May Know Him – Week 23

Scripture reading is the only way into the fullness of God. Without God’s word, we are powerless against the devil and subject to the world. Jesus said, in His prayer to the Father, before being offered up as our sacrifice: “I do not pray that You should take them out...

That I May Know Him – Week 22

Pentecost, where we celebrate the giving of the Law through the Spirit and not the letter. We are in or near Pentecost Sunday (depending on the year you use this reading schedule). Pentecost is the day Israel celebrates the giving of the Ten Commandments through Moses...

That I May Know Him – Week 21

All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God. As we read the scriptures given this week, we can expect that they will profit us for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that we—as matured sons and daughters of God—may be...

“To know God, be known by God and make Him known.”

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