The Holy Spirit is coming in a new and fresh move to give us power to demonstrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 4th to 7th
POWER is the theme of this year’s Succot/Feast of Tabernacles Conference and I believe the Holy Spirit is going to be powerful in our midst. Power is an essential in our life. Without power we fail.
The Holy Spirit is powerful and so are you. Power is the dynamite we need to blast through the barriers of unbelief, fear, and to remove the mountains before us. Jesus commanded His disciples not to leave Jerusalem without the Holy Spirit who would give them the power to be His witnesses. Paul prayed that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened to know the power of God which He used when raising Jesus from the dead. When we gather together in the hearing of faith the Holy Spirit comes with power.
How do we obtain this power? Jesus initiated a generation into power by calling them to wait for the promise. The disciples when faced with threats to not speak or teach anymore in the name of Jesus, prayed again; they prayed for more power. Faith, prayer, intentional gathering together, all position us to receive more power.
I believe the Holy Spirit is coming in a new and fresh move to give us power to demonstrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. I believe that we shall receive power through the hearing of faith which comes in anointed worship, glory experiences, and of course, through the word of faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. It is time to overwhelm everything with the word of God, the praises of God, and the glory of God.
Pastors Rod and Julie Anderson of Commonwealth Church in London, along with team members from their worship and prayer ministry will be joining us again this year. Rod Anderson will fill our conference with the word of God until it becomes impossible not to believe. Faith is not an accident waiting to happen it is a promise waiting to be fulfilled. Faith comes in hearing and leaves when we stop hearing. It’s time to hear again. When we hear in faith the Holy Spirit comes in doing.
Julie Anderson lives a life of deep prayer. Going deeper into the heart of God she brings the NOW sound of movement in heaven. She activates faith in this movement of the Spirit as she shares the sounds of heaven’s shaking. It is the shaking that is shaking heaven and earth and all Nations with the undulations – waves and movement of heaven, which brings us to encounter the desire of all nations Jesus.
Worship is essential to move into the “Now faith is…” Diana Anderson and our Jubilee worship teams will lead us into deep experiences in the glory and adoration of Jesus. Commonwealth will also bring their worship sound to release the sound of heaven in our midst. We are fifty years now from the Summer of Love, a time when a generation was told to “Tune in, Turn on, and Drop out.” God is redeeming and transforming us to “Tune in, Turn on, and Go out!” We are to go out in power and witness our glorious Jesus Christ and His resurrection.
This year we will have daytime sessions that will equip us to live lives of power. Additionally, we will have two general sessions and workshops that will do more than inspire, they will equip and endue you with power. The evening will be filled with His glory transforming us from glory to glory.
We become powerful when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. The Holy Spirit comes when we hear of faith, and faith comes by the word of God. Expect your miracle to come!
Please click here for a detailed listing of the schedule.
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Rod Anderson
Rod is my favorite teacher of the bible, bringing with him years of experience in meditation and expositing of the Scriptures. As he establishes truth in the heart of the hearer, faith comes and so does authority. You will feel the very clarity of heaven dawn in your heart when Rod teaches. As I listen to what the Holy Spirit is revealing through him, I find myself being immersed into the authority of Jesus; I see and I hear things I could not see from my earthly position—from my warred over place. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, as Rod breaks the bread of the Word of God I find Jesus.

Julie Anderson
Julie is my favorite intercessor, who carries nations and music in her heart. It was at the height of the Jesus movement in the mid-sixties, having worked with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and marrying a rock star that Julie found herself born again and called up to heaven. However, God has only increased the passion in her heart for music! She recognizes how the music and strength of a generation can sway an entire nation. When Julie ministers the wind blows; the Spirit broods and swirls, as the sound from heaven comes and fills the place we are sitting. Julie sees, she prays, she perceives the very essence of Hope; to see again, pray again, and perceive the Lord seated on His throne in glory. Don’t miss her sessions; you will be translated into experiences and vistas where Jesus is taking us into the Presence behind the veil – where Hope is alive!