Happy 40th Anniversary Jubilee
Sunday, September 22nd
Party in the Parking Lot
- Luau Lunch
- Music
- Dance
- Jolly Jumps for the kids
- More
To enjoy family and friends, we are having a Luau after service. Aloha! Shalom! Great food, Jolly Jumps, and, yes, Hula lessons.
Please invite your families and friends to this Day of Blessings.

Forty + Blessing – Sunday Anniversary Service September 22nd
Forty years does not mark time only, but transformation. I am inviting all of you, who have walked with the Lord for forty years or more, to come, be honored, and then release the blessings that the Lord has given. Like Moses laid hands on Joshua, there was an impartation for the season of inheritance. Then, forty years before Moses was ready to retire, he was then commission by the Lord at the burning bush for the purposes of God.