Dear Pilgrims,
Wednesday, March 6th is our next Mansions Meeting in the Sanctuary, at 6 pm.
Last month Mansions, the Lord added the third leg to our place prepared for us in Jesus. Using 1 John 5:8: (8 And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.), we discovered that in our abiding in Jesus, we are active with the Spirit of Truth (Spirit), the Word of God (water) and the justification of Jesus (blood).
When we agree with these three as one, as they agree on earth as one, we walk in perfect unity with ourselves as the Spirit, water, and blood are in perfect unity in Jesus’ victory.
Now, abiding in Jesus is even easier. We abide in Jesus, His righteousness, as we abide in His Spirit and His word. If you didn’t get a chance to hear last month’s message, please give a listen before tomorrow night.
Tomorrow (Wednesday), at our next Mansions Meeting, we will enter further into the abiding truth with Philippians 3. Please take a moment and read the chapter as we will each use this chapter to change our losses into Christ. We will learn how to abide in Christ, His words abiding in us in the power of the Spirit through the righteousness of God by faith and lay hold of what Christ has laid hold of for us. Sounds complicated? It’s to not, when we realized that it’s not up to us to achieve, but only receive the prize!
Looking forward to our being together,