Daily Bible Reading for September 2023

Begins Friday, September 1st to Saturday, September 30th


Together we will read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament three time in 2023.

  • One chapter each day from the Gospels & the Book of Actsthis month includes Matthew & Mark
  • One chapter each day from the Epistle and Revelationthis month includes Revelation, Romans, & I Corinthians
  • One chapter each day from the Torah & the Books of History – this month  includes 2 Samuel & I & II Kings
  • One chapter each day from the Books of Poetry – this month includes Proverbs & Ecclesiastes
  • One chapter each day from the Prophets – this month includes Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, & Micah


We read a loud and listen with our hearts, not trying to understand with our minds but with the Spirit, knowing the scripture is alive and powerful and will effect us each day. This simple discipline is bringing profound change in lives.


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