I want to thank all who prayed and participated in the “Final Approach”, our 3 Act Play during Passion Week. It was amazing! There was laughter, wonder, tears, and many Holy Spirit Jesus encounters! If you missed any of the play or would like to see it again or share with a friend you can watch it on demand on our website.
After the resurrection, Jesus made Himself known during many encounters, even at one time to a group of over five hundred. He spoke of the kingdom of God, the coming Holy Spirt, and the power that the Holy Spirit would bring to the disciples to be witnesses for Him. Can you imagine what these encounters would have been like, after the initial shock had worn off and faith had fully united with Christ and His resurrection? Here comes Jesus. He had breathed on His disciples the Holy Spirit, gave them the authority to forgive, and opened their understanding to comprehend the scriptures.
I can see the disciples drinking up the water of His words as Jesus spoke with them during His forty days with them after the resurrection. They must have had revelation hangovers, seeing so much with the eyes of their understanding being enlightened. “It all makes sense now!”, I can hear them say. Of course, Jesus had to suffer and enter in to His glory. Sin is conquered, so is death. Grace has come. We have been given the gift of righteousness, and Jesus has become the first born of many sons and daughter—a new species of men, born again, from above, of the Spirit. Oh, my head spins just thinking about such waves of light, and love, and life flooding these disciples.
But, at the end of forty days Jesus said again, “Don’t try to do this on your own. Wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit to give you power to be my witnesses.” For even as much as they had witnessed and now understood, the Holy Spirit was the only one who could convict hearts and demonstrate Christ. He would now accompany the disciples with signs and wonders and many miracles and gifts. The Holy Spirit was now in charge.
This Sunday, we begin a fourteen-week journey through the book of Acts, one chapter per service, two per Sunday, to discover and experience what the first church knew and lived. The book is called The Acts of the Apostles. It might have as well been called the Acts of the Holy Spirt. The Holy Spirit in charge, the Apostles empowered, and the name of Jesus preached as the resurrected Lord! Glory! I’m so excited. This Sunday, we will travel through Acts 1 and 2.