In Christ, we have been given a seat with Him, in Him. In other words, we are learning to sit with Him in heavenly places because we are in Him. I know I often fall out of my seat because of me, but I can sit back down because of Him. First, my falling out is not because of my behavior, sin, or anything I did. My falling out is due to unbelief at the moment, fear overwhelming my soul, or lack of attention to His provision. Have you ever fallen out of a chair? I have. It usually happens because I am not paying attention.
Dwelling in the exalted Christ in His heavenly place requires attention. Not attention to merit in my dwelling here, but attention to Christ as my reason I am here. I have to pay attention and set my mind on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, not on the elements of the earth. That, for me, takes concentration to learn a new place, a new response, and a new language.
Thankfully, I have Christ, His words, and the Holy Spirit to bring me into these truths and help me stay. That’s prayer. Prayer, for me, is bringing myself into Christ and His provision, with my heart believing and my mouth speaking. Prayer for me is not bringing Christ down to earth, but myself up into Christ in His exalted place. Prayer, for me, is learning His language, His attitude, and His authority. Prayer is my dressing room to put on Christ.
Here are four verses in Colossians that have helped me practice:
It then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4, NKJV)
SERVICES UPDATE—CHURCH INDOOR WORSHIP IS CLOSED DUE TO THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 IN THIRTY COUNTIES (INCLUDING VENTURA COUNTY). This is sad, and although I believe we have conducted ourselves safely, we will comply with our governor’s order. Our mandate is to walk in love and faith, and to continue worship with intensity and sincerity as a community in love. Wednesday and Sunday services will be online. We are planning for an outdoor parking lot service soon and will keep everyone updated. Rather than protest, let’s press through into the Presence behind the veil and worship whole heartedly. We can behold and become all that our Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished within this current restriction. Greater grace is here!