Rest is the most active faith in the kingdom.
Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. Hebrews 4:11
Rest is the most active faith that I know of, in the kingdom. As we prepare to celebrate Labor Day, our national holiday celebrating the American worker now is a good time to enter the “Rest of Faith.”
Rest requires faith, beginning with returning to faith in God and His word.
Entering His rest is a matter of obedience to His word as we soften our hearts to hear His voice.
Rest is ceasing from our own labor (efforts) and trusting in God’s provision in Christ.
Rest requires diligence to enter. It’s not easy to disengage from our own works and enter the “Rest of God.”
Rest comes when the word of God cuts us and reveals His truth and ourselves to us. Here, we humbly stop our madness and return to our Father’s rest in Christ.
Jesus our High Priest comes alongside our nakedness and brings us to the Throne of Grace, where we find mercy and grace to help in our time of need.
This Labor Day week let’s do ourselves the biggest favor, and read God’s word, which softens our hearts, in honest conversation as we accept God’s Word as truth. There, let’s abide in the face of tiredness, fatigue, fears, and failure. See Jesus smile as He takes you by the hand and gives you, His rest.