We are given the call to identify fully with Jesus’ glorification and with humanity’s suffering.

When we pray, we pray from Jesus, who He is, where He is, and what He is doing today. Jesus is praying today as our great intercessor and because He is, we can enter fully into the uttermost of salvation. This is identification with the glorified Christ.

When we pray, we pray from the gaps we find in the wall, the needs in the earth, where Christ has not been made Lord even though He is. We fill the gap and bring Christ there. This is identification with humanity. We pray Jesus into the place where He is needed.

When we pray, we pray His word and promises given. The promises given in His word become our confession of hope and the door of hope for those suffering.

When we pray, we continue in Christ until the Holy Spirit witnesses that we have the promises we have asked of Him. We continue the prayer, not in unbelief but in assurance, that we will be heard, and our request met. We ask, seek, and knock.

When we pray, we give thanks! Thanksgiving is always in our prayers for it is our faith in the Lord that requires us to give thanks before we see, before we succeed, before we are even heard.

When we pray, we overcome!

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