Praise is our way of advancement in 2021. The focus of our praise is Jesus, the Lord whose mercy endures forever. Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ, whose mercy endures forever, and frees us from ourselves and our doings. It takes our eyes off ourselves and places them on the Jesus, who saves, heals, and delivers. We advance toward our enemies, with the Lord in our midst, keeping ourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. (2 Chronicles 20:21; Jude 1:21)
In Christ, we stand and see salvation! Jesus, our salvation, healing, and deliverance, became ours in His resurrection. We call upon His name, and we are saved, healed, and delivered. The active receiving of His mercy is letting God be God in His glorious form.
As we praise Jesus Christ, our Lord, for His mercies that endure forever, we enter into His mercies. His mercies are new every morning, they endure forever, and great is His faithfulness. We come boldly with our great High Priest Jesus, to the throne of grace, to receive mercy and grace that surrounds us in this well-timed opportunity; i.e., what appears as a time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16). Our time of need is the door God wants to come through for us.
Eyes on Jesus! Praise to Jesus! Expecting His mercies into eternal life!
See Salvation!