From where I stand, heaven rules.
Please let me share my place of prayer with you. I begin my prayer by:
- Placing myself in the truth of Jesus.
- I thank my Father for His Son and accept again His testimony that I have eternal life in the Son.
- I come boldly in Christ’s blood, through the new and living way He has provided for me in His flesh; here Jesus, our High Priest, is over the house of God where I find my place.
- I thank the Lord for His willingness to humble Himself to the point of death, and His faith to believe that the Father would raise Him from the dead. I believe, and I am justified and in peace with God.
- I pause, waiting for these truths to take root in my heart and bring faith for today. Nothing can alter this place. The Holy Spirit makes these truths accessible and demonstrates my acceptance in the Beloved, His redemption and eternal inheritance.
- I stand before My Father in faith in His resurrection of His Son.
- Holy Spirit carries me into the Word of God to see Jesus. I see Jesus high and lifted up, sitting at the right hand of Majesty on High.
- I become still and I know God. I listen for His hope, His promises, His intercession. I hear His voice and He knows me and I follow Him.
- I am not outside; I am inside. I am not far from Him; I am in Him before the Father.
- Holy Spirit, my Comforter, is shining light in my heart, the glory of God in the face of Jesus. My circumstances, stresses, and unbelief again bow to the preeminence of Christ.