“But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.”
(1 Corinthians 12:31)
God loves when we honor what we’ve heard before and still value it, in the midst of conflict and destruction. We still honor what we heard as truth… even if reality is contradicting it, He loves that! God really responds to hunger and honor.
He knows how hard it is for us to hold what He spoke in the light, when darkness assails us. That is never diminished—the praise of the poor is worth more than the praise of rich.
This means, that when we are being taxed, yet we still choose to raise our voice and say, “I agree with what I’ve heard, although I cannot point to it in my life”—that is honor of His word and of His voice, and it delights His heart.
The Lord also loves when hunger starts to take up. When we say, “Lord, I am in agreement and I will not disagree with what You say, but I’m hungry. I need more –not more because I have a problem with You or Your word. I need more because I need You and Your promise that those who are hungry you fill and those who are thirsty, You give to drink. So, I want a drink.
This is what I see rising right now. I see both and I’m so thrilled.
On June 19th, I got a prophecy from Albie Pearson, that our body was coming into the more excellent way. This is the Scripture that we find in 1 Corinthians 12:31, But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.
The excellent way is a way that’s beyond what we are currently in. It literally means to throw beyond –further than anything else. It’s that more excellent way.
This is the way of love. From this point on, he said there would be explosions, experiences and revelations of God’s love; and we would enter into that love, We have had many of those. We even had the sound of the “love bomb” going off a few times.
I understand that whenever those things happen, it’s an invitation to explore what God is promising and to position ourselves to hear more of what He’s saying. We’ve had some points of connection. I want to connect about four of them.
Isaiah 35:8 A highway shall be there, and a road, And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, But it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, Shall not go astray.
We have been talking about the Highway of Holiness. The highway means it’s an elevated way—again, a more excellent way. Its distinction is that it is elevated. Inside the highway is a road. A road is a pathway that we walk upon, and it is the way.
So, inside the elevated highway is our personal way in Jesus Christ. This is Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. The highway is the elevated way of love. That path is the point of response and journeying with Jesus. Our destination is the Father’s house.
In the midst of visitation, God says that there comes the water bursting forth. Then, even in the very habitation of dragons, God begins to cause reeds and rushes to grow. A Highway rises up and it lifts us out from the contest over the unclean, over the ravenous beasts. It begins causing us to walk. And. even if we are a fool and don’t really have the capability of holding that, once we just get up on that Highway, and we walk inside of what we’re hearing, we will not go astray.
The redeemed and the ransomed of the Lord are those who were on this highway. There comes a sound of singing and rejoicing where sorrow and sighing held its place, it yields to the sound of joy and rejoicing.
In the prayer of Apostle Paul in Ephesians, Chapter 3:18-19, after he asks if Jesus could dwell in our heart, by faith, and we could be rooted and grounded in love, it says. 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. The highway is an elevated way a more excellent way, the way of love.
Here is the idea of comprehend, is the same word we find in Philippians 3:10-14 “that we may comprehend” is the same Greek word for “apprehend, or lay hold of”.
In Paul’s declaration in verses 10-14:
10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
We can begin to really get a hold of this picture as what “I am laying hold of”, or comprehending, is the love of God and that was what I was “laid hold of” to “lay hold of”. I was created in love, I am kept by love, and I was saved in love. I will be revealed in Jesus, in love. All things that I need are in love. Love is the beginning and the end—love is God.
It is only one fruit and attribute of the Spirit. God Himself describes it. God is love.
So, Paul says “That’s what I’m being laid hold of”. Not only was I created in love, in that God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, but I was saved in love and I’m now being carried into the consummation of love.
I know that what we may be experiencing in life is anything but love… but who cares? If we can get into God’s love.
It is time to get out of the stuff we are in, and get into what God has provided. God is not limited to love us, by our life circumstances. He can, in the midst of anyplace make us so full of love, to so experience love, so lovesick, so love intoxicated, that we lean on His bosom, and walk out of the wilderness. And, each of us have found peace in His sight. We know His delight is in us.
That begins to take root. That’s why we’re “Rooted and grounded in love”. Then we, as a company, the Saints, the body of the Lord Jesus, can comprehend, together, this love that goes wide, and long, and deep, and high. The dimensions that we can know, experientially, that cannot be grasped intellectually, in the process, become full of the fullness of God. This is overcoming life!
This is not limited by where we are. It’s just limited by the experience of God’s love.
So Paul says,
13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Here’s a “Love test”: The bible says that God wants us to be perfected in love. We’re on an ascension into love. We’re going to experience a love of Christ that is inseparable.
So, how much love do I currently live from and live-in?
It’s really a simple litmus test. How much fear do I carry through my day?
1 John 4 says, “Beloved, perfect love casts out fear”. He that fears is not made yet perfect in love”.
The Word “perfect” isn’t that idea that I’m doing everything right. It means that I’m made complete.
So, wherever fear, anxiety, or trauma grips my heart, love is not yet been perfected there.
Daddy isn’t saying, “You ought to know that I love you by now. If you don’t know that, I’m going to hit you!”
That’s an earthly daddy, but that’s not our God Daddy. God says, “We need to address the area of captivity and I’m coming… I’m going to come. My love might frighten you because I’m going to unravel where you have built your own security system. I may disrupt your control. I might interrupt your mindset, but I am here. Love created you, love redeemed you, and love will have you. I will not stop until love possesses you and you’re perfect in my love.”
Forgetting the things that lay behind and reaching forward to the things that are ahead.” Forgetting”—We’ve got to let go of yesterday, to enter in today, to enjoy our tomorrow. If we don’t let go of yesterday, we will keep living in yesterday, having no today, and our tomorrow will never get here. We will perpetuate our trauma. We will live in our drama, and we will live in the situation over and over again.
God is on the move to pull us out.
We employ are praise by going to 1 Corinthians 13. Rather than hearing it again as “This is how we ought to behave because we are Christians”, we would hear it as “this is who God, is since God is love. Then we would ascribe to Him value and worth, inside of love”.
This week, Father said, “I want you to open up love for my body to experience through the things I’ve been showing you and giving your experience in.
So, I open my heart of to you and let you inside of my love feast. This is what “Agape” means. It means benevolence, kindness and passion. When they begin to work together, in plural, it’s just a love feast.
I Corinthians 13:1-3
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
This sets us up to read this qualifier of love. When we try to choose to live from that love, but if we haven’t yet experienced it we can’t hold it.
But, it is worth seeing that a lot of the stuff, we spend our time trying to get ahold of and master, can be meaningless, powerless and worthless to us, if it has not come in Love and caused us to experience Love and yield to Love, and know Love.
So that’s good news, because we get to step into the more excellent way. We’re coming up to the Highway and we are walking in the path. We are going to lay hold of what we were laid hold of. We are going to comprehend together love—the love of God—His passion, His benevolence—His love feast. This is our goal. From here, we can actually begin to legislate, rule and reign with Christ, on the earth. This is why it’s so important and that’s why everything is done against love, to separate us from love, even the idea that we can just not be there and just move forward in our own stuff.
Whether it’s prophecy, revelation, giving to the poor, or carrying out acts of kindness, if we neglect love, the whole thing unravels.
Let’s look at Love.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
Love suffers long and is kind.
Suffering long according to 2 Peter 3, is considered, to the people on planet earth, as “slackness and slothfulness and delay”. But to God, it is salvation.
Because long-suffering literally means to lengthen one’s spirit, to give one more day, another decade, another millennium, when necessary. Love says, “I don’t want the outcome that today is going to bring to come, so I’m going to withhold the day’s outcome and extend another day in hopes of salvation, and expectancy of salvation.
This is Father’s kindness. In my fellowship, I will say, “Love suffers long and is kind, Father, You suffer long”. Then I’ll thank Him for suffering long with me, and everyone else, and everything else. I’ll then, extend that long-suffering over all circumstances. I’ll then let love fill the thing that would normally be creating my impatience and desire to complete, or fix or make something go right.
Kindness is to make oneself useful. God is restraining. He’s lengthening in the spirit with joy, but at the same time stepping into the circumstance in a useful fashion.
If my Jesus stepped into my house in the middle of one of my days, He would not come to prophesy. He would probably get a towel and start washing some dishes, or playing with the grandkids. Or He would help me with the lawn.
Love is useful. You can tell love because love says, “Can I help you with that?” This is how God is. God says, Can I help you with that? Can I lift that burden? It is helpful. Its kind.
God is suffering long and kind.
There are 16 attributes of love mentioned in this scripture. Half of them are about what love does not do. Many times, we get under condemnation because we are being told to “go and love”.
We are lovely because we restrain ourselves, half the time. That’s love. Love is a restraining force on the earth today. We have to realize that if we step out of the love, even if we are in the right stream of Revelation, we are in the wrong company—we are in the wrong spirit.
We may want to pull fire down like Elijah did. But Jesus said, “You are in the wrong spirit. I didn’t come to destroy, I came to save. I have no need to do you any destruction. All I want to do is save”.
When we step in this love, we start feeling that emotion, so we suffer long. Love suffers long and is kind. Love does not envy.
It may be kind of silly to think, I’m so glad, God, that You don’t have envy in your heart. He really doesn’t. Why doesn’t He have envy in His heart? I asked Him, Dad, You don’t envy; why not? He said, “Because I’m complete—I’m absolutely complete. I don’t look at your car and say I want one. I don’t look at somebody’s house or somebody’s wife and say, “I want them. I am complete”. Love is complete; God is complete.
When I enter into God that completeness begins to rest upon me even if the horizontal life I’m in has all kinds of temptations to envy they begin to be swallowed up by a completeness that God gives me in place of the things or situations to change.
Love does not parade itself and it’s not puffed up. Many of the descriptions of love come in couples and they go well together.
When God shows up, He doesn’t dramatically hype His entry. He’s not parading Himself because He’s quiet. He is not puffed up and saying “Everybody look at Me, I’m God”. He doesn’t need to puff up. He’s confident.
Love carries a confidence. It has no need to boast of itself or push itself into a larger place. Love has no need to say, “Look at me, look at me, look at me, I’m serving God right now, look at me”. God is quiet and He’s confident. When we enter into love, there’s a quietness that starts to come upon us. There is no parade needed.
I’ve been heard by the only one that matters. The only one that I really need to hear me, is my father. He hears me all the time. He’s the best audience I’ll ever need. I have need yet I can rest in confidence and I don’t have to make more of myself. I’m just absolutely loved by God so what more would I want to make of myself.
Love does not behave rudely and doesn’t seek its own.
Aren’t we glad God’s not rude? If God wanted to be rude, He would be rude. He would walk right into our bedroom and say, “aha, I got you.” He would yank us out of bed and say, “Get up there and pray, you lazy dog.” He could tweak our speedometer and force our car to go only 65mph. He could take our thoughts and Twitter them away. He could be really rude…but He isn’t.
Instead, He is gentle, humble, meek, and lowly.
Again, He is not seeking to press Himself into a situation. He has no need to be rude, He is gentle, and all of this love is in Christ.
This love of God we know in Christ, and this love in Christ we experience in Him. The cool thing is, that not only is He gentle, but He is giving. All He thinks about is giving. He is not self-seeking. He’s not saying, “Your praise quota is at 60, and I expect it to be at 80 by the end of this month!”
He has need of nothing other than to give away what He has. He is not self-seeking, He is giving and this is love.
When I say, “Father, this is love and I worship You in love and I ascribe to You love. It’s like walking up a ladder carrying a full bucket of paint. We want to tip it over and hand it to God. When we finally start to hand it over to God, it spills all over US! I call that “Glorying” on me.
When I glorify God, He starts spilling on me. I say to Him, “Dad, you are glorying on me again, let your glory overwhelm me.” Then I am the one feeling these feelings, I am thinking these thoughts. I am the one experiencing these thoughts.
I, then come to the realization that He is gentle and giving. It’s releasing so it’s not hard to have that kind of character and surrender. I’m not afraid. You see, fear is leaving because I am receiving love by acknowledging that this is God, because God is love. It is so simple, yet profound. It is the more excellent way.
Love is not provoked and thinks no evil. God is not provoked. That means he is immovable. You can’t go and do something so nasty that you will upset Him. You cannot pull Him into a response. In Malachi, we read, “I change not therefore, I am . .. . . . . “ . In Hebrews, we read, “I am the same, yesterday, today and forever.” We read in Revelations the ascription, both to Father and the Son, that He is, and was, and is to come. This glorified Christ says, “I am going to come to your present, your past, and your future. I am going to come so many ways, you won’t know what to do with me.” I ask, “Why do you call yourself in that statement of eternity, as being the one who was and is to come?” And He says, “Read on.” I read on, until the Glorified Christ appeared to John, and after John had fallen on the ground and was like a dead man. He says, “Don’t be afraid. Behold, I am the first and the last. I am alive and was dead and behold, I am alive forever more. I have the keys to hades. Basically, you experiencing Me, in my life. I have dealt with everything in your past and everything in eternity. Your life is in My hands. I can step into your life in any one of those dimensions because I have the keys here, of death and hades.”
If that is really true, that is good news. When we pray the scriptures and we enter in God through his eternal Word, and scripture, we move from an intellectual ascent of observing, to do and perform—to an experience of doing and being with the One Who spoke.
Jesus said, “My words are Spirit and Life. The flesh profits nothing”. If we study for the rest of our lives, we won’t have enough knowledge to get there. His words are Spirit and Life and when we start eating, drinking, we then realize what really is life and death. We can go through a cycle enough times of life and death. Wow! There is a resurrection. We are alive!
Not provoked, immovable, ‘thinks no evil’, that means “takes no wrong into account”. In Jeremiah 31, He said, “We couldn’t keep the first covenant, though He was perfect in keeping it”. He said that He would put His laws in our mind and write them in our heart. He would be our God and we would no longer need to be taught by others to know Him. We could know Him in our own, entering into Him through pursuit, and He would be merciful to unrighteousness, and our sins and lawless deeds, He would remember no more. Remember…No more! He gave Himself the gift of amnesia. God is having a brand new relationship with those born of His Son. And He is having a new relationship with humanity and creation. “My Son paid the price for ALL sin. He took the wrath upon Himself of ALL sin. It’s all in the sea of forgetfulness. So, He is forgiving. He is immovable and forgiving. This is the entry of the whole new covenant!
The movement of heaven does nothing for us, but puff our heads up and gets us thinking we got something when we’ve got nothing. But if in that process we find that we stumble and fall, and He lifts us up and forgives us, kisses us, and says, “I like the way you try to be like Me and I like the way you try to climb up the ladder of heaven. I think that is so cute.”
My wife has been wrecking my entire 38 years of prayer. I said to her, “I am just resting now. All the multiple things that I have laid before the Lord several times and just thank Him for it because that’s the best way to ask Him, there is no better way to ask Him.”
She said, “Of course there is no better way to ask Him. It’s funny the way you come up with your ingenious new ideas and strategies for prayer. Couple “this” with “that” and get a promise from God, stand and repent.”
I think prayer is like our grandson, who says, “bah, bah, bah” and that means happy. “nah, nah, nah” and that means he’s no. We as grandparents can recognize the response and recognize what He is doing. We delight in it, we enjoy it.
God looks at us and says, “I like it when you try to be like Me. I like it when you value My things in heaven. I like it when you learn to prophesy and do miracles. I love that stuff, but what I really love is. . . . Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.”
The Lord has two different responses. He is indifferent and involved as well. If we drag-out a woman caught in adultery and ask Him what we ought to do, He will go quiet. He didn’t come to do that. That is not the level He wants to live from and be known by.
God’s not impressed by man. We want to show Him how much money we have but He has more. If we try to show Him how many long hours we prayed, He prayed more. He’s not moved or impressed by the “legs” of man, or the strength of the horse, or how big our artillery is. God is not moved by our stuff especially. .. Self-will. It is the attempt of man trying to reach God. It’s man trying to build the town of Babble to reach God and be like Him.
It’s like little Peter trying to be like God and not allowing anyone to forsake Him. This insecure, simple man, had somehow elevated himself to be like Jesus. “Are you dying? So am I! Some of the guys are flakes, but not me. I will hold my place”.
Like Peter, we boast more and more. God says to us, “Your voice is so loud”. The louder you are, the bigger the crash. How are you ever going to allow Me to love you, if you are trying to get Me to love you by your actions? You are going to need to fail, to the equivalent of your promise, and then know Love. Then you can be forgiven. Then we can walk in oneness without you saying ‘I’ve got to do what Jesus said… Give me a sword! Give me a knife…Do something!”
He is indifferent when we shout. He is indifferent when we get self-righteous. We boast, “I’ve gone six days and not sinned”. Self-righteousness is only the effort of making yourself right. You can hear it in prayer because it will always sound like comparison. It says, “I thank God that I am not like other men. I fast twice a week and I give alms. I am thankful I am not like that guy over there. He shouldn’t even be in church.”
Luke 18 says, “He prayed with Himself.” What would that sound like? God did you hear anything? It sounds like flies. He just ignores it, He is indifferent, because He is not impressed with how good we are. How can He be?
Beloved, don’t let it hurt your pride, let it crush it! Dear God, who is going to measure up to God? Who is going to go to another cross? Let me be up there too. There is Jesus, two thieves and ME!
Seriously, we need to wake up. The reason Jesus is diminished in His popularity, and in our vocabulary, is because we started “earning” what was a gift. It could only be a gift, but we started trying to live up to the standard of being like Jesus. Up, Up and away, super hero… Flop, flop, on the ground! The whole encounter of Jesus is: First you fall—then you rise.
Indifferent…but involved.
If anyone gets a sense of truth and turns, (which is repentance) heaven go’s wild! There’s a party! Someone turns, they have repented. Someone yields from their fear and insincerity and becomes aware of their provision and victory, and they are responding to God. God is rejoicing and wants to help us. He wants to fan the way.
We can be in the same pathway and assignment of repentance and truth, then we become aware of all the requirements, and we begin to observe ourselves. We attempt to do what we have to do, and now we are expecting a greater sense of appreciation…but God is going to be indifferent.
Don’t be hurt by this, I am the King of this. What I have put my wife through and my family… She will have a bigger house than I will.
Willful effort can mascaraed as righteousness. Religion is the essence of self-righteousness. Then when one religion reigns, the other one tries to kill it. Infidels to the other—infidels try to rise up and kill the other. This is scary because this is happening right now.
We are going to step inside of love and pray for the Nation. We are going to pray for the land and for the people and for the movement of God on the earth because from love, He can extend salvation and we can rest in His love. We might just agree with God as a King and a Priest, in the spirit of love.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Bears is to put a covering over us. Endure, to be under us and give us support. Believes is to hope in all things.
So, Father puts a covering over all of us. He sends rain to the just and the unjust. He loves and protects all of us. He is in expectancy of us becoming like Christ. He isn’t freaked out. He doesn’t watch the news. He IS the news. Do you understand? Have you not heard? Have you not seen? The everlasting God—this glorious, victorious, triumphant King, Who walked it out, God, the Father. He is the answer to EVERY challenge. He is the answer to every sin. He is the answer to every problem. He IS the news… and yet there is this “childlike” hope. For Jesus, every day is Christmas/Hanukah. Every day is the end of the candles, and He just lights another one. He is expectant of you and me. We are His gift and we are His treasure!
We were created for His delight. Created in love, sustained in love, saved by love, redeemed by love, and we will be glorified in love. We will look like a big love feast and nothing will separate us from this love in Christ.
So this love will prevail, and it never fails. The word, “fail” means it will never get off its course. Once it has started from its place of origin, it stays on its course until its place of completion. It doesn’t get distracted or moved.
But where there is knowledge, it will pass away. Where there are prophesies, they will cease. We only know in little pieces… but when “perfect” comes. What’s perfect? Love is perfect! We won’t need all those little pieces. When we are kids, we organize our thoughts like children, but when we become a man, we put it all away.
We will be known as we are known. The very encounter of our yielding and the willingness to allow Him to come in, is being know and being known. It is how we are known. Allowing his intrusion, allowing His correction—allowing Him. . . Stumbling after Him, making a fool of ourselves after Him. All of this is the “being known”.
We will have this oneness. We are already in eternity. If we die tomorrow that is where we will start. We don’t go anywhere else. It will be the only environment we are in. The unity, the oneness, the love feast. God wants to give us a bear-hug. He likes it when we try to be like Him. He likes that we want to live for Him, Father, thank You.
Jesus, Lord, would you enter in? God of love. You said that in the middle of journeying with You, tested, persevering, reining and enduring, we would have new experiences with You and love poured out and into our hearts by Holy Spirit.
Lift up your hands and receive love. We open our arms for a Father’s hug. Now, open your arms for His love and feel Him. His love is towards all people. All of creation, is loved. There is no one excluded from His love. He gave His only begotten Son that the whole world would be saved.
We make the choice of receiving His Son and His love. But His love is extended to ALL of the world. His love is not removed and taken from certain groups of people. He doesn’t put fences around people. He just keeps on loving.
Prophetic Word:
Love—He suffers long and He is kind. He’s stepping into our very works and saying, “How can I help you and don’t worry. There is more time, I’ve got plenty of time. We are not in a hurry. You don’t have to be anywhere. How can I help you? What are you struggling with? Where can I come in? Can I do the dishes? I’m wonderful with kids. I can help you solve problems at work? I want to be here? I can restore broken families. I am love, I am here and I want to help. I don’t envy anything. I am complete. My completeness comes to you. I am not pointing at you, asking you to fix your life. I paid for everything. I will provide, whatever I ask, and whatever I want you to do. I’m complete. I don’t need something from you. I am quiet and I’m not going to go and break into your iTunes. I won’t interrupt your TV station and I won’t even interrupt you as you insist on going another way.
But as you get quiet, My voice will begin to come through the cool of the day and the wind of My Spirit. When it comes, you will know I am here. I am strong and confident. There is nothing that can be added to Me or taken away from Me.
My Son is complete. My Son has conquered the past, the present, and the future. He is the ruler of all Kings. I will come in that confidence and in quietness. I am gentle, let My gentleness make you great and calm you down. You don’t have to be rude. You don’t have to be afraid.
All the thing you do are because fear grabs you. Don’t be afraid. I am not seeking something you don’t have. I’m not going to make you be something. I am here to give. What do you need? I am giving. I have riches in glory. What do you need? Do you need healing, peace of mind, joy? Let me give. Do you need peace on the earth, let me give. Do you need peace in your neighborhood? I can give you peace in your neighborhood. In the quietness, confidence and gentleness, I am giving. I am immovable. You cannot move Me from the throne. I am immovable. Nothing you do can change Me. Nothing you didn’t do caused disappointment in My heart. I do not relate to you by what you do. I relate to you by My Son, and I am in Him, He is in you, and He is in Me, and I am in you.
I am in you through my Son. You are My son and that is how I know you. I forgive you and I know you by My forgiveness. You are known.
How much can I forgive you? How much will you let me? How much will you allow My forgiveness to touch you? I am forgiving. I am forgiveness. I forgive all—I extend forgiveness. I will forgive them too. I will remit the sins you remit. I retain the sins you retain. Why not forgive? Let My love extend as far and as wide as it is possible. How much can I forgive? Can I forgive a State and can I forgive a Nation? Can I forgive a people? Can I forgive a religion? Yes, I can, for I already have. Yes, I can, for I already have. My son said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they are doing” So, I forgive you. You know not what you are doing.
Waves of mercy and shouts of grace echo over the earth today. And in Jesus’ Name, we say, let the forgiveness of Jesus be known, let the remission and remittance of sin be heard. Let the repentance and remission be heard along the land. Let visions of Christ, the gloried One, appear in all religions, affecting all leaders, causing all to bow to the Glorious One.
Let him invade secular worlds, humanistic worlds, any world that is in the earth. Let the forgiveness of God break into crack houses and gang lords. Let the forgiveness of God break into cities, governments and anti-Christ systems. Let them come and LOVE. Let my love come, let me love come. Don’t look at your brother and say, “Why, why, why? While I endure and endure.” For I choose indifference when it’s best. I judge not that what you see. Would you rather I judge you? No, so don’t make Me, don’t force Me, and don’t try make Me do what I am not ready to do. Let Me give you room, I am indifferent. That is how you live with the unlovely. You love the unlovely. Don’t let it stir you up, intimidate or frighten you, or anger you. Release, release, forgive, forgive.
I am moving on the earth right now. I am stirring up truth, things are opening. Ears are opening. Ears that could not hear are hearing. Eyes are seeing and I am moving and in every movement of My truth, there is repentance, rejoicing and celebrating.
There is rejoicing and boasting and I have chosen this house to have a party of my celebration. There will be a love feast. Let Me put a roof over your head. Let Me be your defense from your accuser. Let Me retain you in a place of safety and pavilion, a place of rest and refreshing.
I have faith, in you, in my Son, in you and my Son in you. It comes alive, I’m alive in faith and I can’t wait to see what you see. I already see it. Hope comes alive and My Spirit comes upon you. Abound in hope. Let My hope fill you up, so in everything you look at, there is hope. Let my peace and joy fill you up, it’s all by My Holy Spirit. He loves chaos and He is not afraid of confusion. His love never fails, He never gives up, He never gets tired. He is not afraid of darkness. Let Him in.
Prayer: Father, Let me be rooted and grounded in your love. Let His love come, Jesus, oh glorious God, Jesus. Let His love come, Jesus. Father God, we ask you to grant to us doors of utterance and experience throughout this week in Your love. Let this moment become a moment we enjoy with You through the week and the days ahead. Lift us all into that Glorious Highway. And lead us all into our individual pathway in Christ that we may fully experience the joy of communicating and carrying Your love in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 10, 6PM: Practicing the Presence, Session 2 “Finding His Presence in His Words”.
Wednesday 7PM: I will be sharing, and together we will experience, “The Revelation of God’s Love for Us.” Its power, beauty, and completeness.
Sunday, September 14, 9AM: Diana Anderson will share, “Fixing Our Gaze in the Midst of Transition and Chaos. Holding onto Jesus with both hands raised in worship.
Sunday, 9:20AM: Prayer for the Nations! Join us as pray as kings and priests on earth to our God. Now, more than ever, we should pray and agree with Jesus, and not lose heart.
Sunday 11AM: I will be sharing “The Inseparable, Irreversible, Constant Love of God in Christ Jesus” Why we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and how we experience His love always in all situations
Monday, September 15, 7PM: Champions Prayer Gathering, we will be meeting again to pray for the upcoming fall conference, Highway 35… God is doing radical shifts right now. Let’s partner with Him right now and cry out in joy, faith and agreement with our King. All are invited to pray with us from 7-8:30PM.