Praying moms move Jesus to do what their faith demands.
As we get ready to celebrate mothers everywhere, I felt the Lord wanted to say something to moms. The Bible shares extensively the stories of mother’s faith, beginning with Hagar, to Sarah, to Rebecca, and to Rachel. Each mother was heard in their faith regarding their children. Even the Syrophoenician mother gained her prayer request for her demonized daughter and overcame all arguments to see her daughter made whole.
Here is what I felt the Lord is saying to all mothers, young and old, and even those not married or who don’t have children but carry a mother’s heart.
I know your children, the ones you have born and the ones you have adopted in Me. I know your heart and your prayers I hear. I decree that you will see what I have promised you. I decree that you will have a reward for your prayers, your love, and your faith. I decree hope to abound to all, and that My hope is exchanging your hopes that have been deferred. Hope again.
See my hand move to fulfill my will in your children. Prophecy, glorify, and declare My words with joy. This is to be the year of Psalm 126, as I turn captivity back to the Lord. You will have joy and laughter as I return My children, whom I have called by My name, whom I have created for My glory, and whom My hand has formed and made.
Your seeds of prayer sown in weeping are about to be harvested with rejoicing, as you bring in the sheaves. The prayers of a mother avail much. Your prayers, as a mother have availed. Receive MY Holy Spirit into every son and daughter whom you have cared for and loved. Receive My salvation, healing, and deliverance. Praise Me for My goodness and mercy and advance with faith.
No one needs to know what I have told you, this is YOUR faith I have come for because your faith has moved Me. Today, I do a new thing. It shall spring forth and bear much fruit in the lives of those whom you care for and love. Well done.
Special Mother’s Day Tea, May 13th, 10:00 am register today, click here.