Love empowers soundness of mind.
I was memorizing a scripture with my grandson this week, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7, when I saw the sequence of God’s provision for soundness of mind. His Spirit of power pouring out His love in our hearts causes a quieting of the mind into a soundness of thought.
As I thought about this, I felt the Lord say, “When you accept My love in your heart through the Holy Spirit given to you, you move out of the fears of man, testing of time, and all anxiety. Nothing can separate you from My love in Christ Jesus, because as I love Him perfectly. My love cannot be separated from you for it is in Christ where you are loved perfectly. Perfect love casts out all fear and so minds can return to peace, rest, and fruitfulness.”
Jesus told us to abide in His love as He abides in the Father’s love by keeping His command to love one another as He loves us. Love is contagious, it never fails, and it never withdraws. It is relentless, resilient, and resolved, love never fails.
Here is a final thought I have from the Father for us, “Receive My love. Believe My love. Rejoice in My love for you, in My Son Jesus. He is perfect and makes you perfect in His love. I open a door of strength into My love for you that will bring rest to your soul and soundness to your mind. See My love, receive My love, experience My love into My fulness.”