He is risen! Passover has passed. Our Lord, the first-fruit of harvest, was celebrated on Resurrection Sunday. Next, is our Night of Praise – The Song of the Lamb –this Wednesday, as we finish the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Once Jesus had obtained for us eternal salvation through His perfection, He went to work with His apostles before ascending to heaven. He charged them to keep His commandments, presenting Himself to them alive by many infallible proofs, and speaking of the things that pertain to the kingdom of God. For forty days, Jesus was equipping His apostles for the coming harvest that would begin on Pentecost Sunday, fifty days from His resurrection – First-fruits.
Charging His disciples with His new commandment to love one another as He loved them – the foundation of perfection – rooted and grounded in love.
Coming beside them in appearances alive from the dead to establish the central truth of the gospel – His resurrection from the dead.
Laying in an orderly fashion all things pertaining to the kingdom of God – the new order that had been in inaugurated in His resurrection and would manifest at Pentecost.
For the next six weeks, I want to explore these forty days with Jesus and His disciples in His charges, appearances, and the kingdom of God. I want to see what I have not yet seen and return to what I have forgotten. Repentance and remission of sins always precedes the next revealing of Jesus in His glory. (Luke 24:46-49).
But first, this Wednesday evening, let’s praise the Lord together for all the mighty things He has done in our last four weeks of consecration at our night of praise the Song of the Lamb! This is our Freewill offering of praise to the Lord, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Night of Praise – Song of the Lamb – watch live, click here.
This week’s Bible Overview, click here.