Restoration Ministries is dedicated to the inner healing of our souls.  The Bible says that as our soul (emotions, psuche or breath of life) prospers, so will our health and all else in our lives (3 John 1:2).

To that end, we offer weekly prayer sessions with our prayer trained Restoration Team members to heal the broken hearted and to set the captives free!


Prayer sessions are by Zoom Teleconferencing or telephone conference call.


For an appointment, please contact Steve Quon at or by text (only) at 1-805-509-8491.  Your email and cell will be requested.

Please join us at the Freedom Encounter

Legal Liability Release
For an appointment you will be asked to release Restoration Ministries, Jubilee Church Camarillo and their volunteers and staff from any liability and for any harm or perceived harm resulting from my voluntarily receiving prayer ministry on this and all subsequent visits. I understand that Restoration Ministries, Jubilee Church Camarillo is staffed by volunteers representing the broad body of Christ who reflect many denominations and local churches. They are not trained or licensed professionals of counseling, therapy or medical services. I understand that if I am currently taking medication or operating under the advice of a professional service provider that I will allow them (medical doctor, therapist, counselor, etc.) to confirm any healing outcome(s) from prayer ministry I received before altering any prescribed course of action. I acknowledge and agree that if I report any instance of, or plan to, harm myself or others, Restoration Ministries, Jubilee Church Camarillo will contact the proper professional(s). I understand that this form and all data recorded on it is the sole property of Restoration Ministries, Jubilee Church Camarillo, and all content will be held confidential for the sole purpose of providing Christian healing prayer to me.