Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am.

Jubilee Church ~ 1169 Calle Suerte ~ Camarillo, CA 93012

Wednesday Prayer Service 6:00 pm

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Secret Place Weekly Blog

Burning Hearts

In the scriptures, Jesus had to reveal Himself in His resurrection, for His disciples to believe. What has been given us, in Christ Jesus, is so beyond imagination and belief, that only the scriptures, with the power of the Holy Spirit, can bring us into the Father's...

We See Jesus

Our Vision for the Last Days We are coming to Yom Kippur this Saturday, October 12th, the Day of Atonement. Our Lord Jesus, sworn by God by an oath, has become our Great High Priest Melchizedek, King of Righteousness, King of Peace. He abides forever as our High...

The Time for Healing

To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…a time to heal. All beginnings of God’s moves start with a time of healing. Joshua, after crossing the Jordan all of Israel waited until they were all healed from circumcision. Jesus came to...

Who is your Beloved?

After the party and the cleanup, what’s next? Thanks to everyone who helped us, Jubilee, celebrate our fortieth birthday on Sunday. The day was messy and magnificent, as our Beloved came with His friends into our garden of spices. Worship, the testimonies of Jesus,...

God’s Chosen Fast

Today, Tuesday, September 17th, we are in the second day of our three days of Prayer and Fasting, September 16th – 18th. Thank you to everyone who is joining us in this season of sanctification as we finish our fortieth year as Jubilee Church and prepare to cross over...

Three Days of Prayer and Fasting—September 16 – 18

When leaving the old to enter the new, prayer is key. On Sunday, September 22nd, Jubilee will celebrate our Fortieth Anniversary. We plan to give praise to the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness in bringing us into His likeness. Forty is the number for transition,...

That I May Know Him – Week 37

The Gospel of God is the power of God unto salvation. The Gospel is FULL of promise! “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16) This week's...

The Word, Jesus’ Intercession, and our Confession of Hope

The Lord has provided us His word, His Intercession, and our Confession Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31, 32 His word, His...

Be Still and Know that I am God

As we prepare for Labor Day Weekend, let’s enter His Rest Psalm 46 has been a favorite Psalm of mine for years. It begins with our confidence in God amid great upheavals and then leads us to the river that makes glad the city of our God. Here, in the Holy place of His...

Preparing For Tabernacles

Intimacy and Intercession The Lord awakened me several days ago saying, “To prepare for Tabernacles, (The Seventh Feast, October 16th – 23rd) I want my people to cultivate intimacy with Me.” Intimacy is the essence of being known and knowing God. It comes through time...

That I May Know Him Blog

That I May Know Him – Week 42

Progressive revelation is beholding the glory of the Lord until we see Him above ourselves, our all in all. What an exciting week of reading we have before us. Luke’s gospel is in full swing with Jesus revealing the kingdom of God and His ways. Stories recorded in...

That I May Know Him – Week 41

The Mirror of God is the Word of God—Where we see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Beholding Christ, we are changed into His likeness from glory to glory from the Lord the Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord and the word of truth bring sanctification...

That I May Know Him – Week 40

Transfiguration to crucifixion…to hope. This week’s Tier 1 – New Testament scriptures will bring us through most of Mark and 1 Corinthians. In Tier 2, 2 Kings, we will see the death of Elisha and the many kings coming and going.  Jehu becomes king and is God’s...

That I May Know Him – Week 39

We turn to Him and He heals us. We are in an exciting week of reading and living in His word. As we read, we enter the story. The images given by the Holy Spirit lead us into encounters in truth with our Lord. We are not gaining information. We are entering...

That I May Know Him – Week 38

We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. This week, we finish Matthew and enter Mark while we continue in Romans. 1 Kings picks up the pace: kings come and go, both in Judah and Israel, Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal, Jezebel’s threat, and...

That I May Know Him – Week 36

The Bible we hold today became a Man 2,000 years ago. Imagine the Bible we hold today was made flesh 2,000 years ago. This Word we hold today was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. Imagine with me that all things were made through Him...

That I may Know Him – Week 35

We are getting His word into our testimony. John declares in Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death.” We are picking up speed in our journey through the Bible...

That I May Know Him – Week 34

My son, give attention to my words… This week is filled with life discoveries in our Bible reading. We finish Acts and begin our third reading (Round 3) of the New Testament with Matthew. In the Epistles, we begin The Revelation of Jesus Christ. In 2 Samuel, we enter...

That I May Know Him – Week 33

The word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed. This will be an amazing week of transitions: Paul closing his public ministry, leading to his arrest. Peter, John, and Jude are giving eternal truths in our walk with Christ. We will witness David in compromise with...

That I May Know Him – Week 32

Reading our Bible translates us into truth, sanctification, and glory. The power of God’s word is to bring salvation in everything. Obedience to read is a ticket to transformation, way beyond the cost of the time and effort it takes to read. This week, we are in for...

“To know God, be known by God and make Him known.”

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