We are rapidly, thunderously moving to the time when the Spirit and the Bride together say, “Come!” Not only will the maturing of the Church look like Jesus, we will sound like the Holy Spirit!
COME! Join us this October 16-19th…where the same waters of life seen in the River of Life that flows from the throne of God and the Lamb will flow freely to us, from us, and for us… and whoever else desires!
Rivers of life WILL surge again, fountains will break open, and a time of great rejoicing and power will be experienced by EVERYONE! We can then carry these rivers in our bellies to flow outward toward humanity, with the same language that the Holy Spirit is speaking.
It’s breathtaking to think of the scope and largeness of such a time! We will gather to lean into these times prophesied by Jesus in Revelation 22:17, and to awaken all that the Holy Spirit has done in His coming over these last two millennia.
We have the promise of the Father and the promise of Jesus that these days will come. We believe we have entered the beginnings of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the history of the world!
Rod and Julie Anderson will be ministering with Cammy, me, and many other anointed ministers that carry the word, “Come!” Remember that we will have nine general sessions, along with two bonus sessions filled with Holy Spirit workshops to enlarge our language, experience, ministry, testimony and power!
WE ARE NOT GATHERING IN THE WISDOM OF MAN, BUT IN THE POWER OF GOD. We will exchange our faith in the wisdom of man, to regain our faith in the power of God. To do that, WE NEED LOTS OF HOLY SPIRIT TIME: in worship, in signs and wonders, in Holy Spirit renewal, in Holy Spirit River, healings, salvations, freedom, and much, much more…
It’s the time when we, the Bride, say with the Holy Spirit all that Jesus is saying…to finish what began as prophecy in Jerusalem, came as the sound of a rushing, mighty wind in the Upper Room, and became One Voice with Holy Spirit, declaring the decree, “COME!”
We’ll have workshops! Worship! Signs and wonders, miracles, prophetic ministry, healing, power and gifts of the Holy Spirit to magnify Jesus and make Him famous!!
If you’re hearing this, then join us and say, “Come!”
Whoever desires, let them take of the waters of life freely… Come thirsty, leave filled…
Scripture References to meditate for the Conference:
John 7:37-39; Revelation 1; Revelation 19; Revelation 22:17; Revelation 22:1-5; Acts 2:1-21;1 Corinthians 2:1-5
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