OCTOBER 2nd to 9th, 2020
We are days away from Heal Our Land October 2nd-9th. And after having said yes, what seemed impossible a few weeks ago is now becoming a miracle! We will focus on eight nations/continents throughout the week (Israel, Europe, UK, N. America, S. America, Asia, Middle East, and Africa); each will have three sessions dedicated to it. Beginning Friday, every evening at 6:00 pm PDT, we will worship and hear speakers from the different nations who will share their pursuit of humility and prayer for the forgiveness and healing of their land. Beginning Saturday, every morning at 9:00 am PDT, we will host a round table discussion with these leaders to hear what the Lord is doing in their land. Then, each afternoon at 1:00 pm PDT, we will host a global intercession prayer call.
Our speakers include: Israel Pochtar, Rod Anderson, John Dawson, Ray Brooks, Karl Schneider, Julie Anderson, Dan and Nori Chesney, Guillermo and Graciela Romero, Larry Bingman, Pastor Poomwanetr, Cameron Custanz, Randy Nelson, Akhiz Noor, and more.
Conference Schedule is below.
Every session will be broadcast LIVE on YouTube via our JubileeChurchCA channel.
Click here to watch.
When you register, you can choose a day to join the 1:00 pm intercession on Zoom, and bring your heart and voice to God.
Please register today: Click here
Register for HEAL OUR LAND: Global Call to Pray