Love, Marriage, and MUCH MORE!
A conference for all marrieds, singles, divorced, widowed…and anyone in between! We will find Christ and enjoy Him fully in all our current relationships.
Saturday, August 17th from 9am to 3pm
Cost: $10 per person, includes lunch.
Hear transparently from those going through life, as they share their struggles as well as their discoveries of Jesus in the journey. Marrieds, singles, divorced, widowed, young and old will all honestly share their discoveries of Jesus in their relationships, focusing on how He became all sufficient for them.
We will have lunch together, along with healing worship and times of ministry. This Day of LOVE flows from the heart of God through the Holy Spirit. No matter where you are in your relationships or lack, Jesus is ready to unlock the river of love He carries in us. He does not solve problems, because He is the answer. His grace is sufficient for all of us, and His power is being perfected in our weakness. Our valley of trouble is His door of hope, and from there He changes our names and moves us from slaves to sons, from servants to married ones. Then other things can happen or not, but regardless, we can live in the feast of fulfillment in the midst of incompleteness. Jesus is genius!
Bring your friends, your spouse, or simply yourself. It’s going to be an honest, heartwarming, healing and hope-giving Saturday!
Saturday,August 17th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Lunch at 12:00 pm (included with pre-event registration)
Registration Information
Registration $10/person includes lunch
Online Registration click button below