The WAVE Men’s Movement
Saturday, July 13th 9 am – 3 pm
Cost $10, lunch included
The WAVE is Jubilee’s Men’s Movement, and this gathering will include familiar faces, new faces, and far out places in the Love of God…Men sharing with other men how they are learning to be loved. Love is our inheritance, and each of us is called to know the voice of our Father as He declares over us, “Behold, you are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.”
“Christ Men” are well-loved sons, and to be well loved is our inheritance in Jesus. But none of us start there; even the most loved son in the natural must discover the Father’s love in the conflicts of this life’s struggles. Love is not the absence of difficulties, but the overcoming of all difficulties–because love drives out fear and torment, gives rest and authority, and builds our identities and purpose. This will be honest sharing of real struggles in learning to be loved, learning to live in love, and learning to give love that will come from real men who have discovered that Jesus is the lover of their souls.
Invite your sons (12 years and older), dads, and grandpas… and join us for this Saturday 7/13 men-only “Summer of Love” event.
Saturday, July 13th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Lunch at 12:00 pm (included with pre-event registration)
Registration Information
Registration $10/person includes lunch
Online Registration click button below