When we journey in Jesus, we journey as a whole person. Even though our spirit has been united with Christ, our souls and bodies must travel along. They cannot be checked in as luggage, or discarded as non material. God has promised the complete transformation of His children into the image of His resurrected Son. Our souls and bodies have a seat at the table too. This makes for some interesting travel companions. Our inward man being renewed, our outward man perishing, while we learn to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, trusting God’s voice and word while not leaning on our own understanding.
God is sanctifying us “wholly”. He has a process for our “souls” salvation, in renewal and delight. He has a promise of resurrection for our bodies, and health along the way. Learning to bring ourselves in agreement allows the transformation process to fully take hold, without ourselves fighting ourselves.
We will have three sessions: Spirit, Soul, and Body, plus a lunch break with lunch provided. We’ve got to take care of the body.
In these sessions:
- We will learn how we were designed and how we work in God’s design.
- We will learn how to agree together – spirit, soul, and body – with Jesus’ victory, the promises of God, and the Holy Spirit’s ministry to us.
- We will learn how to recognize what is at work to disrupt our peace and progress in Jesus.
- We will understand better our internal-functions and the process God’s employs in our sanctification.
- Finally, in agreement with ourselves, we will move forward with our own action plan into God’s glorious transformation.
Steve Dittmar