All scripture is given by the inspiration of God.
We are in our 12th week of reading together in the scriptures. Grace to everyone, freedom to begin again, no debts to be paid in make-up readings, and always the New Testament first. If things bog down, read the New Testament: one gospel chapter and one letter (epistle). The Holy Spirit moves the mountains of time and frustration and with shouts of “Grace!” we see completion in our Bible reading. Zechariah 4:6, 7
The number 12 speaks to the government of God. John focuses on Jesus’ ministry as the Good Shepherd, the resurrection of Lazarus happens, and Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Paul is instructing Timothy, Titus, and Philemon in the government of the church and in the way of forgiveness. Exodus reveals the making of the Ark and all the articles of the Tabernacle, the garments of the priests, the erecting of the Tabernacle, and God’s glory coming. We have fully entered into Jeremiah and the love effort of the Father to call back a backslidden nation that believes it is doing nothing wrong. Over and over again the goodness, longsuffering, and forbearance of God is displayed to a nation bent on idolatry.
WATCH That I May Know Him Week 12 PODCAST
John 10 – 16
John continues to bring us into the heart of God in Jesus; Jesus, the Good Shepherd who lays down His life (soul) for the sheep. We witness the death of Lazarus (whom Jesus loved) and how He walked with the Father into glory amid their grief. Chapter 12 is the anointing of Jesus at Bethany with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary fully alive in their callings. The triumphal entry and a postscript wrap up the ministry of Jesus and call all to believe. Jesus washes the disciples’ feet as a Son in full humility—even His betrayer’s feet. The new commandment of Jesus, “That you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34). In Chapters 14 through 16, Jesus speaks to the resurrection life, abiding, Holy Spirit abiding, word abiding, and overcoming the world in joy and peace. These words begin in the upper room and continue as they walk to Gethsemane.
2 Timothy 1 – Philemon 1
Paul writes a second time to Timothy to stir his faith and courage, imploring Timothy to walk in gentleness following Paul’s example, live in the word, and finish the race. Titus is another book of pastoral instructions with a powerful exhortation in Chapter 3 to accept all that God has done for us in Christ Jesus. Philemon is a call to forgive in love. Paul tells of having enjoyed the faith of Onesimus who had been a runaway slave that Philemon owned but was converted and became a servant to Paul. Paul sends him back with a call to newness of life.
Exodus 37 – Leviticus 4
Having received the whole-hearted offering of Israel—in fact, Moses has to stop the people’s giving because they gave so much—the artisans now go to work. Building the Tabernacle, the Ark, making the Table of Showbread, Golden Lampstand, Altar of Incense, and the rest of the instruments of sacrifice and offerings. The Tabernacle is completed and priestly garments for Aaron and his sons are finished. Chapter 40 the Tabernacle is raised up and consecrated along with Aaron and his sons. “Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exodus 40:34). Leviticus’ first seven chapters are all about the offerings that people are to make. We will learn about the Burnt Offering, Grain Offering, Peace Offering, and Sin Offering in the first four chapters of Leviticus.
Psalms 26 – 31
Songs of deliverance, trust, one-thing desired, seeking God’s face, help when we cry out, the voice of the Lord, joy comes in the morning, and “Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:24).
Jeremiah 3 – 8
God has sent Jeremiah fully into His call as a prophet to withstand Israel’s rebellion against God. God calls them to return to Him, to break up their fallow ground and circumcise their hearts. Over and over again the Lord will implore a stubborn people who are confident in their own self-righteousness but blind to His goodness. Read these chapters with an open heart allowing the Holy Spirit to return us to absolute dependency on what the Lord accomplished in Jesus Christ for us. This book is an awesome house cleaner of hearts, homes, and the house of the Lord.