Soon we will all be One in Christ.
ONENESS is our position in Christ, ONENESS was Jesus’ prayer as He offered Himself to the Father in John 17, and Oneness is the unity of Holy Spirit in the bond of peace.
Today, it may seem like a faraway dream in a distant reality, but it is not. ONENESS is truth. God our Father reconciled the world to Himself and us to Himself in His Son. Jesus’ faith in the Father to resurrect Him from the dead is now our faith in the Father having raised Jesus from the dead.
We are ONE body, redeemed by His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace which Jesus has made to abound to us, in wisdom and prudence, as He has made known the mystery of our Father’s will. ONENESS. In the administration of the fullness of time we will all be gathered together (Summed up in One) in Christ. Both the Body in heaven and on earth in Him.
Upon Jesus’ resurrection, He was exalted to the highest place in heaven above all and seated at the right hand of God, our Father. All His enemies are under His feat. He sits as the Father commanded until the Father makes all His enemies His footstool. So, at the end of time, as we have known it, there will be all who believe summed up in ONE BODY, JESUS being the head of the church which is HIS BODY. His body is the fulness of Him as He fills all in all.
This is what is happening today.
God is gathering us into ONENESS IN CHRIST. Not the effort of man, but our surrender to His will. Our yielding to His coming, trusting in His inheritance being given. We are becoming ONE in surrender inside the MAN, CHRIST JESUS. Meanwhile, all His enemies are being corralled to be fitted together as a footstool for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I do not know if I will see this in my lifetime, but I know it has happened already before I was born, INSIDE CHRIST. I am finding I have access by His grace through Him, by ONE Spirit to the Father to live, yield, and have my being here INSIDE CHRIST. I am learning to choose the truth above the lie and live INSIDE CHRIST in His victory in the midst of the battle.