Yield to Yield

In Yielding, we yield a harvest. I want to share a moment that happened last week while meeting with some of our leaders. The topic came up of surrender to the Lord, and the word, “Yield,” came forward. Then someone prayed that our seeds are to yield a harvest. At...

That I May Know Him – Week 12

All scripture is given by the inspiration of God. We are in our 12th week of reading together in the scriptures. Grace to everyone, freedom to begin again, no debts to be paid in make-up readings, and always the New Testament first. If things bog down, read the New...


Soon we will all be One in Christ. ONENESS is our position in Christ, ONENESS was Jesus’ prayer as He offered Himself to the Father in John 17, and Oneness is the unity of Holy Spirit in the bond of peace. Today, it may seem like a faraway dream in a distant...

That I May Know Him – Week 11

God will teach the one who fears Him in the way He chooses. As we enter our 11th week, we are in John’s gospel, Thessalonians and Timothy, Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah and we begin Jeremiah. While Moses is receiving instructions for the Tabernacle, Paul is giving...

Arise Shine into His Perfection

The scripture must be fulfilled; therefore, we must be changed. Reading the bible daily is immersing me into His truth, His sanctification, and His inheritance among the saints. Not knowledge but experience, not a cursory glance but being known by God, transformation...

That I May Know Him – Week 10

The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword. Bible reading brings our temporal life and struggles into God’s eternal life and victory. Simply reading the scriptures brings us into life, power, and focus. With one stroke of the word, we can be brought into...

The Sum of All

All things are racing toward Jesus Christ. Do you know the mystery of His will? What is the will of God for us? We found out last week, that it is to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. This simple practice is inside our praise as we...

That I May Know Him – Week 9

His words are spirit and life. The Bible is a book of life. Jesus lived in it, declared it, and was submitted to it. He knew the word written must be fulfilled. He therefore was fearless in the face of a storm, a crowd who sought His life, and a lack of resources to...

Add to Praise

We have praised for seven days…now what? After seven days of praise, what’s next? More praise expanded praise. I would love to hear your testimonies of what the Lord has shown and done for you during this last week of praise. You can simply reply to this email, and it...

That I May Know Him – Week 8

Salvation is by grace through faith. This week we in the Epistles will be a coupling of grace through faith. The word of God read and listened to, mixed with faith (our accepting what we are reading as truth), moves us into obedience (attentive hearing under) as we...