Jesus is seated at the right hand of God
To abide in Jesus is to enjoy where Jesus is in heaven right now. After the resurrection, Jesus ascended to the right hand of God and made a place for us to abide (or dwell) with Him. Being in Christ, seated in heavenly places, is not merely a nice thought to make us feel welcomed or hope for in the far-off future, it is now.
Each scripture is a window to see through and door to walk through into Christ. We can enjoy every promise by the Spirit, in the unseen before it is seen. We are saved in HOPE; our confession in heaven is called “our confession of hope.” Jesus is the better hope.
We can meet Jesus by entering into the word we are reading. This is our inheritance in Christ. We can enjoy everything He has become for us. I make it my daily aim to begin with Jesus by acknowledging all that God has given me in Christ.
When I first wake up, no matter how I’m feeling, I choose to return myself to where Christ is. With my tongue I confess truth and with my heart I believe. The Holy Spirit confirms the truth and that brings sanctification. I enter into where Christ is.
As we read through the Bible this year, let’s not look for more information about Jesus or how to live better lives, rather, let’s look for more encounters with Jesus. That’s the purpose of scripture.