The word of God cleanses me and sets me apart because it is Truth.
Scriptures are the home of truth; truth is the path to freedom; and freedom is Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and the only way to the Father.
We are sanctified by the truth; God’s word is truth. Even Jesus, the Word made flesh, sanctified Himself in the word. When we read Scriptures, we are being sanctified by God and freed from the corruption that is in the world.
WATCH That I May Know Him Week 04 PODCAST
Matthew 22 – 28
We are in our Lord’s Passion week. We witness His testing by the Pharisees, Sadducees, and lawyers. Jesus gives His parables for the last days, is anointed by Mary, betrayed by Judas, judged by Pilate, crucified, buried, and raised on the third day! The week of all weeks!
1 Corinthians 6 – 12
We begin with Paul calling forth kingdom values of forgiveness and releasing wrongs. The temple of the Holy Spirit is to be kept pure, not given to fornication. Principles of marriage, weak and strong consciences, and food offered to an idol follow in Chapter 8. A pattern of self-denial, care for those who serve in the gospel, and Paul’s consecration are in Chapter 9. Chapter 10 is the recount of Israel’s sins in the wilderness that kept them out of the promised land, and our charge to not follow their example. Chapter 11 closes with instructions regarding the Lord’s supper. Chapter 12 is about the gifts of the Spirit and the many-member body of Christ–of which we are members.
Genesis 22 – 28
This section begins with Abraham’s faith being tested by God’s command to offer up Isaac as a burnt offering. Next, God makes an oath to Abraham and His seed (Jesus) in blessing, multiplication, and possessing the gates of our enemies. Messiah is coming! Sarah dies and is buried, and Rebekah is brought to Isaac as a bride and bears two sons: Esau and Jacob. Isaac is charged not to go to Egypt and re-digs his father’s wells. At Rebekah’s instigation, she and Jacob deceive Isaac, who then gives Jacob the blessing meant for Esau. Wrecked and bitter, Esau comforts himself with plans to murder his brother. Jacob is sent to Rebekah’s family where he meets God at Bethel and is given promises. He worships and promises to tithe on all that God gives. It will be twenty years before he returns.
Job 22 – 28
Job continues to be accused by his friends who, under a satanic religious spirit, say over and over to Job that the righteous prosper and the wicked perish so, Job must be wicked. Job intensifies his defense until all he is doing is justifying himself. Next week, it really gets intense.
Isaiah 22 – 28
Chapters 22 through 24 conclude God’s judgement over the nations. Chapters 25 through 28 are filled with prophetic promise of Messianic salvation and God’s blessing. Instructions, promises, and the ways of the coming Holy Spirit fill the pages. There are decrees of freedom, peace, rest, Leviathan judged, and humility rewarded. Isaiah is aiming at our hearts and kingdom rule.