The scripture must be fulfilled; therefore, we must be changed.
Reading the bible daily is immersing me into His truth, His sanctification, and His inheritance among the saints. Not knowledge but experience, not a cursory glance but being known by God, transformation by the Holy Spirit as I look into the mirror (God’s word) and see the glory of the Lord in the face of Jesus Christ.
I have given up trying to do and I am yielding to who He is, what the Father has declared in the Son of God, and that all the scripture must be fulfilled. I am yielding to His coming!
When God the Son, became the Son of Man, He, the Word of God became flesh. Jesus walked in perfect fellowship with the Father, as He learned obedience (to hear under the word of God) from the things He suffered (went through). The Son of Man was not working from within Himself but under submission to the Word of God. The Word of God made flesh submitted to the written word of God, to its fulfillment in resurrection as the Son of God.
What does all this mean for us?
It means that, in Christ, we will all be changed! Transformed into His likeness! From glory to glory!
What will we look like?
Like Jesus! Here is the summation of all things in Christ. Don’t try to do it, just yield to the truth of the scripture that must be fulfilled.
“Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:13
- Into the Oneness of the faith – not our faith, but the faith of the Son of God.
- Into the Oneness of the knowledge of the Son of God – Full recognition, experientially into the likeness and union in Christ as His body, the fulness of Him.
- Into a perfect man – Complete lacking nothing.
- Into the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ – We will mature into the fulness of Christ.
I cannot achieve any of this. I can submit to all of it as truth that is to be fulfilled inside of Christ. I can praise the Lord for His scripture being fulfilled in His body. I can yield to His coming.
It’s time to turn off the TV and set our minds on the things above where Christ is. When Christ appears, we will appear with Him in glory. It’s transformation time, oneness time, it’s time to shine.