After the murders at the AME church in Charleston SC, the Lord spoke about the sound of forgiveness that rose from the families of those murdered, as a sound to shift our nation. Greater than justice is forgiveness. Jesus’ blood speaks better than the blood of Abel (the first martyr, Adam’s second son), because Abel’s blood called for vengeance, Jesus’ blood called for forgiveness.
Jesus has accomplished all things, His kingdom overcomes evil with good. The Father loves His enemies, does good to those who hate him, and blesses those who curse Him…He is kind to the unthankful and evil. I am not this way, I have tried but cannot hold these noble truths of His kingdom, but, as I behold Him, then I become like Him and He holds me.
Upcoming Events
Sunday June 28, 2015, 9:00 am: Peety Escovedo will be sharing on “We keep nothing back from you Lord”. Having dedicated our lives to God, we seek to become more like Him. We must let go of who we are, to become a part of Christ.
Sunday 10:20 am: Nations Prayer – A time of intercession and giving of thanks for the nations of the world. Join us as we give 30 minutes to pray fervently for Israel, the nations, our nation and states, and
the pressing issues facing each of us. Filled with Thanksgiving.
Sunday 11 am: Brian Rogers will be sharing “Holy Spirit works on the Inside Out”. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Holy Spirit helps us live from the inside while all around us is pointing to the outward appearance.