The first ten chapters of Hebrews establish the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God as our High Priest. In verse nineteen of the tenth chapter, we are encouraged to enter bolding into the Holiest in the blood of Jesus by the new and living way he consecrated for us through His flesh. We come bolding having Jesus the Son of God over the house of God as our High Priest. Accepted in the Beloved received in His righteousness. We are before God in holiness and without blame in love.
Now we draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. We are honest and confident in our faith in Christ. God sees us in Jesus Christ. He is our High Priest appearing in the presence of God for us. We experience our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in the pure water of His word. Holding fast our confession of hope without wavering we worship, because He is faithful and able to fulfill His promises.
This essence of prayer – appropriating Jesus Christ as our High Priest – is coming bolding before the Throne of Grace in the Holiest.
Please take time this week to pray, meditate, and experience Hebrews 10:19-23, in Christ Jesus, our High Priest.