I am so enjoying our journey together through Psalms. Everyday reading aloud five Psalms has enlarged my faith and hope. I have, in the Psalms, received power to BUT! Observing David and the other Psalmist declare the glory of God, exalting His attributes, declaring His covenant, and His past deeds, they can state the obvious contradictions in their circumstances.
“You have not gone out with our armies”, “our enemies have prevailed”, “we in distress, poor and needy”, etc. etc. There is such freedom to state the reality of our situation without disengaging from our faith in God. We draw near to the Lord with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Faith in God, not faith in our faith. We can ask for wisdom not doubting the faith we have been given in hearing.
We do so by declaring the Lord! Exalting the Lord, we lift Him high, declaring His word/truth, raising our praise for His goodness and mercy forever. Here in truth, we can state the obvious, not doubting God, we share facts, and even reasons for our failings.
God’s truth, and our reality, have met. Now we declare, 15 “But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth. 16 Oh, turn to me, and have mercy on me! Give Your strength to Your servant, and save the son of Your maidservant.” Psalm 86:15, 16
Praise, problem, BUT GOD!
Today’s Psalms are 86 through 90, and they are full truth, honesty, and BUT GOD!