Some have pointed out that the Lord is not good at math. When it comes to restoring loss, He doubles it. When it comes to giving and forgiveness, He multiplies it by thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. The devil only knows how to take away and devour. To imagine God’s abundance, take a moment and consider three losses that you have experienced, and double it, emotionally, financially, favor, and any other aspect of the loss. What would thirty times feel like, or look like? How much would it be in the bank, in relationships, or favor?
We are in the week of DOUBLE. Job chapter one list’s Job’s assets, which the devil took all away from him. Job chapter forty-two lists all of Job’s assets that the Lord restored after Job prayed for his friends—and they were double. Disciplines of any sort are never joyful, but painful. But when we have been trained it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Hebrews 12:11
But good came of Job’s losses—peace with God and freedom from fear and pride. Job came out of the trial when he saw what the Lord showed him about himself. He repented and prayed for forgiveness for his friends, and the Lord brought Job into rich fulfillment.
Paul had a similar experience. All things that were gain to Paul he lost, but in the losing he gained Christ. Yes, Christ has us entirely, but to apprehend what we have been apprehended for will mean exchange. Paul gained Christ and the peace of being found in Christ, not having his own righteousness from the law. Paul gained what Job gained. More grace, God’s righteousness, God’s joy, God’s peace and a hundredfold.
Repentance and forgiveness – thinking a new thought and letting go of the old. Seeking a new experience with God, rather than an explanation from God, will multiply our losses – DOUBLE. Don’t forget to pray for your friends, those who have brought pain and reproach. They are God’s agents in the great exchange of self-righteousness for His righteousness. They are His training for our reigning.