Jesus prayed for us in John seventeen, that we would be kept from the evil one being sanctified by God’s truth, which is His word. He went on to say that for our sakes He himself sanctified Himself by the truth. The word of God read to God, listened from God, and abided in daily, is our overcoming bread from heaven. The word is alive and shapes our emotions, our imaginations, our thoughts, and decisions. It separates our soul from our spirit, our joints from our marrow, and discerns our thoughts and intentions of our hearts.
Reading when we don’t feel like it, or feeling it isn’t going to help, or anytime we are in a funk, is the best time to read. This is when we come into sanctification and out of the influence of the world, the flesh, and the devil. I am finding that reading scripture to the Father sets my prayer time far beyond what I could pray without His word. We are all being sanctified by truth; His word is truth.
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Mark 15 – 16
In these last two chapters, Jesus faces Pilate. He is crucified, buried, and resurrected. He rebukes the disciples for their unbelief in not believing those who had seen Him after He had risen. The great commission and then Jesus’ ascension.
Luke 1 – 5
Luke’s gospel reveals many wonderful details of the Christmas story and Jesus growing up in favor with God and men. In chapter three we read of John the Baptist’s ministry, Jesus’ baptism, and His genealogy. Luke’s gospel gives special attention to Jesus’ prayer life. In His baptism, Luke records “and while He prayed the heaven was opened.” Luke 3:21
Chapter four is Jesus’ temptation as He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and returned, in the power of the Spirit, to Galilee. Jesus addresses His synagogue in Nazareth and records His first ministry trip to Capernaum. In chapter five, Peter experiences the net breaking, boat sinking catch of fish and is led to repentance. The paralytic is forgiven and healed. Matthew, the tax collector, is called and has a party for his friends to meet Jesus. The Pharisees complain.
2 Corinthians 11 – 13
Paul defends his apostleship. He shares his sufferings, vision of Paradise, and his learning to boast in his infirmities, that the power of Christ might rest upon him. He let the Corinthians know he is coming and will not spare those who have sinned and not repented. For we can do nothing against the truth, but for it. 2 Corinthians 13:8
Galatians 1 – 4
The letter of grace. Paul shares His conversion and calling. He speaks in chapter two to those seeking to bring the Gentile believers into bondage to the law. He even recounts his rebuke of Peter for hypocrisy. In chapter three, we are called to recognize how the Spirit was given, and the curse of the law. The inheritance was given to Abraham by promise and not the law. Chapter four, we read of moving out of childhood slavery into sons and heirs. We also hear of the zeal of those seeking to rebuild the law and comparing the two covenants to the two sons of Abraham, one born of a bondwoman and the other of a freewoman.
Genesis 45 – 50
Joseph is revealed to his brothers. Jacob and all his family are relocated to Egypt, where he meets and blesses Pharaoh and settles in the land of Goshen. Joseph transfers all the wealth into Pharoah’s treasury, through the seven years of famine. Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons, and then calls all his sons to tell them what is coming in the last days. Jacob dies and is brought back to Canaan for burial, Joseph’s brothers are afraid of retaliation, and feign a letter from their father. Joseph weeps.
Exodus 1 – 2
Another king rises in Egypt who does not remember Joseph’s contribution. He treats the Hebrews shrewdly, placing a taskmaster over them. But the more they are afflicted by them, the more they multiplied and grew. The law of infanticide is ordered that all Hebrew male babies are to be cast into the Nile. Moses is born and drawn out of the Nile by Pharaoh’s daughter and becomes her son. Moses, at age forty, returns to his people in the power of Egypt and kills an Egyptian. Moses flees to Midian where the Lord takes the power of Egypt out of Moses, over forty years. The bondage increases in Egypt and the people cried out. Their cry came up to God because of the bondage. God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel and acknowledged them.
Job 41 – 42
Chapter forty-one brings Job face to face with his pride and the king of pride, Levithan. In chapter forty-two, Job repents in dusts and ashes. The Lord’s work is done. Job is free. Now the Lord speaks to Eliphaz and his two friends and their folly. Job prays for them and the Lord hears Job’s prayer. Job’s captivity is turned and the Lord blesses Job with double.
Psalm 1 – 4
Four of my most loved Psalms. Psalm 1, the blessing of meditating God’s word. Psalm 2, the futility of overthrowing the Messiah’s reign and good advice. Psalm 3, David’s Psalm when he fled from Absalom, his son. Psalm 4, David’s confidence in the Lord.
Isaiah 41 – 46
Isaiah is in full prophetic force. He promises help to Israel, and promises the Messiah and redemption. Behold I do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? Isaiah 43:19. Here we see God’s promise of the Spirit to those who thirst, the futility of idols and the greatness of the Lord. Cyrus is prophesied and named, some one hundred and fifty years before he comes to the throne.