His altar is open for exchange of ourselves for Himself.

Last Sunday, as we entered again into worship after the service blessing, I heard the Lord say to me, “I want you to open the altars for prayer after service as you have opened worship after service.”

Last year, the worship continued after blessing the congregation, not on purpose but by the Spirit of the Lord. This has proven to be a great blessing of thanksgiving and praise. This Sunday, we opened the altars for prayer, not prayer from others but to come and pray. The Lord’s workings in us often come in different ways, intensities, and timing. When we feel the Lord’s Spirit on us, in the message, or dealing with us over stuff we want dealt with, we now have time to tarry (an old English word for seeking and waiting on the Lord) at the altar.

Of course, this is our response whenever the Lord moves in our hearts, in devotion, reading, or prayer. It’s that moment when you take a second glance, another thought, and turn to the Lord to discover what it is. When I respond to the Lord, He rewards my seeking Him with Himself. I exchange what I am for who He is. I yield my stuff and receive His glory and grace.

I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us as we enlarge possibilities for Him to work on our hearts. We will still close the service at the same time, but now include the invitation to come to the altar to pray, worship, and encounter the Lord.

I will see you at the altar.

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