All truth is Jesus. He is our way, our truth and our life. He is our freedom and our healing. Truth shown comes in a moment as revelation. “You are the Christ the Son of the living God”, Peter said.
“I’ll build my church on this”, Jesus responded. He then began show his disciples his immediate future in Jerusalem—suffering and death—and His eternal victory in His resurrection.
Peter then took Jesus aside and rebuked Him. “Far be it from you Lord; this shall not happen to You.”
Now, Peter is no longer the blessed disciple, but a stumbling block, a messenger used by Satan and is rebuked as such! Why? A truth shown was not yet known! Peter was interpreting truth from his human vantage place, reasoning, and interests.
But, Peter would get it—as we will get it too. Truth shown is not yet known. But when we abide in His word, we know the truth and the truth makes us free. Why? Because we grow a capacity to surrender ourselves to Christ and follow Him into our freedom. Abiding in His word in prayer is the essence of “Mansions” and the “Hour of Power.” It is experiencing the Truth in His word, in the safety and simplicity of Christ inside His presence, where transformation inside His glory takes place. Taking what is being revealed and rather than reasoning it, or doing it, or preventing it, we simply meditate, imagine, and yield to it.
Sounds simple, but it’s not. Our soul will often rise and block our hearing and argue with what it does not understand. It takes yielding prayer. This is where we worship God in His word, surrender to God in His word and allow it to reframe our thinking, imagination, and emotions, for our soul to release its death grip on life.
The freedom comes when we see Jesus in His word, and turn to Him, and He heals, saves, and delivers us. To know Truth is to know the Son, and to know the Son is to know freedom. It was for freedom that Christ made us free.
My mistake had always been to see – and then rush to conclusions, jump into action, do what I was hearing, I was a classic Peter, until the Lord caught me and called me into abiding in Him and His word to abiding in me. Now, every time I allow the process of abiding prayer to be my response to shown truth, I find the abundance of fruit that comes to me as truth frees me to surrender to the goodness and supremacy of Jesus.
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36