Knowing our hearts honestly is the beginning of every new adventure with God. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27 Jesus knowing me, is always about my heart condition and usually not to affirm me, but rather to convict me. Why?

I think it because when I can own my heart and its condition, Jesus can heal it and I can follow Him into the new. That’s why repentance always proceeds a new move of God. I think for me, I want to please God, pray, read His beautiful word of truth, and obey Him. But every season collects things along the way, vows, disappointments, strivings, or strong opinions. What I am listening to is sowing seeds into my heart, His words, the news, entertainment, and even worry.

The results are my heart is clogged and I am no longer free. I should be free, I haven’t drifted away, that I know. I am keeping my disciplines, but it’s heavier and not as rewarding. I need to become quiet, slow down, and listen to His voice.

When I hear His voice, it may be in revelation or offense, then I open my heart and let Jesus in. In real time, Jesus comes into my heart a new, and sits and dines with me. This is being known, and I have now the chance to unburden my heart to the Lord. He is so gracious, He has been looking forward to the time of freedom and so with an honest heart, I approach Him. I see what I could not see before, I see Jesus, I see me.

This is another way to explain judging ourselves. It’s not condemnation but liberation. I own my heart’s condition, present myself honestly to the Lord, and I wait for Him to become what I cannot be from myself. He unburdens, He frees, He allows for such honesty, and I receive His love, forgiveness, freedom, and stop. It’s not up to me, it’s up to the Lord. He will bring the deficit to wholeness, the brokenness to fullness, He will be my all and all.

Now my heart believes again, debts have been canceled. I am no longer trying to believe; I am receiving. Things may change rapidly or slowly, it doesn’t matter. I am waiting for the Lord, I am seeking His face, I know He has my heart in His hand, and so I expect help from Him, into the new in Him.


Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20


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