Jesus said to His disciples, on the night of His betrayal, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” John 15:7. There, He set forever the simple path of abiding in Jesus and His words. Today, He has empowered abiding with the coming of the Holy Spirit and His high priestly ministry.
Today, Jesus lives for intercession, or as I like call it, “intersection” where He intersects our life with His. We come to God through Jesus and all He is and has done. He enters into conversation with us. Before we realize it we have been “intersected” –or maybe even better, “intercepted.” The Greek word for intercession means to “chance upon”. But it comes from two root words that give the image of a place intercepted with the purpose of bringing fulfillment or completion. In other words, Jesus gets me back on track. He recalibrates me with Himself.
Think Road to Emmaus, in Luke 24. Two dejected, discouraged, and disbelieving disciples were walking away from their destiny, because they could not see what God was doing. Not until Jesus came and intersected their walk and talk, could they begin to think differently. He let them talk and then He opened the scriptures to them. He showed them what was really happening. When their eyes were opened, at the breaking of bread a few hour later, they were “recalibrated!” Fully energized, they ran all the way back to Jerusalem (about a 7 mile run, from where they had come). That’s the power of Jesus’ intercession.
These encounters with Jesus through the Holy Spirit (who also is helping us with intercession – Romans 8) builds in us our confession of hope. We are now abiding in Jesus (our High Priest), whose words are abiding in us (our confession of hope). Anything is possible. He lives for the moments He can have with us–intersecting our lives, intercepting our discouragement, and recalibrating us back to Himself and our future.
Oh what a glorious salvation we have.
I would like to encourage you to attend the timely opportunity of Practicing Abiding in His Presence Series which starts this Wednesday and continue until June 13. During this time, there will be opportunity to discover and practice the presence and person of Jesus Christ, the Glorified King.