In this season of war, we can learn from the greatest battle recorded in the Bible.
In times of conflict, whether personal or international, two things separate us to the Lord or from the Lord. Humility and intimacy bring us inside of Christ and when we are resourcing ourselves, we get large and in charge. In the most famous of battles in Israel’s history, we watch a shepherd boy with a sling take down a giant. There are five things that David had that Goliath, nor the army of Israel, possessed that brought victory on the battlefield. The story is found in 1 Samuel 16
David held humility.
Although anointed as King by Samuel, David returns to his lowly place as a shepherd. David wasn’t even supposed to be in the battle; he was only delivering cheese and bread for his father and to bring back news from the battle.
David held intimacy.
David was a worshipper, a psalmist, and spent his time as a lowly shepherd worshipping the Most High God.
David held a covenant.
In worship, the word of God grew inside, and the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob grew inside His worship. The word always takes preeminence inside worship.
David held the name of the Lord.
He faced Goliath in the name of the Lord, not with his weapons or strength. His humility made him invincible.
David held expectancy.
The boldness of David was seen in his running to meet Goliath. He was totally confident in the Lord’s ability to perform what He had promised.
All of Israel had been demoralized by the threats of Goliath. For forty days they fought inside words of intimidation. David was humble and sought the Lord’s face. There, he had killed a bear and a lion. Now, he just responded as the Lord directed. To win in this war we must separate ourselves to the Lord, humble ourselves before the Lord, and seek His face, He, only, is our victory.