Where we are matters.
When I begin my time with the Lord each day, I begin in Christ. I acknowledge that the Father has made me acceptable in the Beloved and that through Christ I have access by the Spirit in the boldness of His blood into the holiest of holies.
I acknowledge, and thank Jesus for His obedience to the Father and His glorification by the Father to His right hand and High Priestly ministry over me. I see myself in Christ as He appears over me in the Presence of God.
I always thank God for the truth in Jesus Christ. Through this way of praying in Christ, I agree with God and His testimony of His Son. Here, I receive what God has accomplished in and through His Son. Here, I find refreshing from the presence of the Lord as I see Jesus.
Prayer is seeing Jesus and myself in Christ and Himself in me. From here, all things must yield to His supremacy and all-sufficiency.
The Holy Spirit demonstrates and illuminates the Word of God and what the Father has accomplished in the Son. It is all about Jesus. I am saved to the uttermost through Jesus’ intercession over us as our High Priest. I am healed in Christ, delivered in Christ. I abide in His love and have His joy and peace abounding. I rejoice in His grace, expect His mercy, and I abound there with thanksgiving.
The more I accept the revelation of Jesus Christ and practice living there the more Christ becomes my all in all.