Pentecost Sunday was such a blessing. We entered into a new place in Christ, and a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. Thank you to everyone who gathered in Watch Parties for the service, as well as to those who continued to watch online at home; because of this, we were able to welcome into the sanctuary those who had been most isolated. We are in a new learning curve of integrating our body so that online and onsite are both connected as one. On Sunday, we left the online filming set that we had been using for the last twelve weeks, creating a bit of a disconnect for those onsite. So sorry. This Sunday, we will set social distancing seating in the middle section of the sanctuary (last week we had it on the side sections) and conduct the entire service from the platform. By implementing these simple changes, we hope for a seamless connection, God willing.
Good news. We have room for more of the body to come onsite this Sunday. Pray and listen where the Lord will have you this Sunday. It may be online or onsite. Or how about hosting a Watch Party? For the next two weeks, our occupancy is still limited to seventy people coming into the building. Together we will all mature as sons as we are led by the Spirit. Please pray as John did, that no matter where we are, we will all be “in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day” (Revelation 1:10, NKJV).
School of Jubilee begins today at 3:00 pm on Facebook Live. Our first online course titled “DWELL – learning the art of abiding in Christ to a fruitful life”, will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00 pm from June 2nd through July 9th. I am so excited to share our exalted Lord Jesus Christ, His command to dwell in Him, and the means He gave us to do so. Who is this Jesus? What is dwell? How do we move from ourselves into Christ for real? We will have teaching, questions, and impartation at each class, as well as some interviews. Each class will be posted on Facebook after the session so you can join later or review. This course is a firstfruit offering to the Lord, and the central truth of our faith, so there is no charge.
Please register on our website so we can send you the PDFs each day after class.
To register: Click here
To join us on Facebook Live: Click here