Imagine what Jesus was thinking: I am alive, I have the keys of Hades and death. Pentecost is coming and my apostles (they had already received their upgrade in Christ) are going to be witnesses to Me throughout the earth; I must prepare them.
Jesus, through the Spirit, gives commands. He shows Himself alive by many infallible proofs and speaks to them of things concerning the Kingdom of God. For forty days He reveals Himself in glory. The truth that was being shared would be shared repeatedly at Pentecost and beyond. The Holy Spirit would be the power to witness, but the disciples were to be the witnesses.
I am setting myself apart to be with Jesus, in the Scriptures and Holy Spirit, to hear what He was saying, and showing of Himself and the kingdom of God. I would like it if you would join me. What I propose is that we set aside what we know, in order to hear for the first time what is being said. Jesus’ commands are inside His ministry, the last day of His life, now in His resurrection, and then heard when Peter opens His mouth on Pentecost. For instance, Psalm 2 and Psalm 110, were part of the message concerning Him after His resurrection. In Acts, Peter and Paul both referred to these Psalms as prophetic proof of Jesus’ resurrection.
Jesus was giving commands through the Holy Spirit. The apostles had received the Holy Spirit and could understand the scriptures, (John 20:22, Luke 24:44-46), so now they were being brought up to speed on Jesus’ commands, His resurrection, and the kingdom of God.
Every Wednesday, we are dedicating our Prayer Watches to behold our risen Lord. We will pray throughout the entire church building each Wednesday, from noon to 2:00 pm. We first meet in the sanctuary to worship and receive communion, then we set off in small groups throughout the church. We come back and share what we have seen and heard and pray in agreement. Every Sunday will be dedicated to sharing what we are seeing and hearing. Even if you cannot be a part of our prayer times you can ask the Lord, with childlike faith, to see and hear what Jesus is showing and saying. Who knows what we may discover? I believe there is so much more yet to be understood of the Christ in glory, the kingdom of God in function, and the commands of our King.