“Atonement is ‘At-One-Ment’” I heard Cathy McCoy share last week. “What a great word”, I thought. I went to look up “Ment”, to see if it had meaning inside a word. This is what I found: “’Ment’ forms a noun, expressing the meaning or result of an action.” We are “At-one-ment” because of what Jesus has done. His actions form our union. Jesus is our High Priest. Jesus’ action, as our sacrifice for sin and all the other sacrifices in the Bible, from the Passover Lamb, to the Bull and Goats for Yom Kippur, to the ashes of the Red Heifer, sin offering, burnt offering, and every offering –Jesus is the fulfillment of all these. In one sacrifice! His action has made us one.
Jesus became the offering for our sin and was delivered up for our offenses. Jesus died for our sins. Jesus then rose from the dead because of our justification, Jesus now lives for our life. Upon His coronation, the Father swore to Jesus in an oath to become High Priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek means “My-Righteous-King,” and “My-King-of-Peace.”
A new priesthood, a new covenant, better promises, better sacrifice, everything new! Jesus’ blood purging our consciousness from dead works to serve the living God—“At-One-Ment.” Jesus is in the presence of God for us, over us. When we draw near to God through Jesus, God sees Jesus. When He sees us, He sees Jesus, when He sees Jesus, He sees us. We are “At-One-Ment”. With Christ, we are in union together, our life is hidden with Christ, in God!
We boldly come into the holiest through the blood of Jesus and through the new and living way found in the veil of His flesh. There Jesus, our High Priest welcomes us, as we together approach the throne of grace in union. Our confession of hope is the offering we bring in-Christ and His words abiding in us. Our hope in-Christ, the promises we have heard in-Christ, the new covenant built on better promises, written on our hearts and minds.
Take time and approach God boldly today, with Jesus blood, with His accomplishments and in Jesus, as our High Priest. There, worship God for the greatest gift given—Jesus. Praise Him for our completion, our hope of redemption. What is that? Conformity (jointly formed) into Christ’s image—the firstborn from the dead, the firstborn of many brethren – the glorified Christ. We are accepted in the Beloved, “At-One-Ment” with Christ forever.