For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12
Imagine the day when we see our Lord face to face, no more dimly lit mirrors of revelation as we all see the glory of God illuminated in the face of Jesus Christ. No more knowing in part; now we know as we have been known.
Today is practice. Practice makes perfect. Not perfect in the flesh but perfect and complete in Jesus. Jesus gave us three simple practices to abide in Him and be known by Him.
- Abide in His word. John 8:31-36
- Abide in Him with His words abiding in us. John 15:1-8
- Abide in His love. John 15:9-17
We are practicing abiding in His word this month as we read aloud His gospels each day through Easter. Today’s reading is John 3 and 4.
We are practicing abiding in Jesus with His words abiding in us in our daily prayer, as we hold our confession of hope before Him seeking His face in prayer. The more we seek His face today, the clearer we will see Him in that day.
We are practicing abiding in Jesus’ active love for us, by experiencing the Holy Spirit pouring out the love of God in our hearts. We know and believe the love that God has for us in Christ. We confess that we are loved inside the Beloved.
Abiding means to dwell. Dwelling in Jesus takes practice. Practice makes perfect. His Word, His Life, and His Love.