The year of the ambush continues. Though we cannot see it, the Lord has set ambushes to overthrow our enemies around us. Confident praise in His mercies is advancing us forward. Out-loud reading of the gospels is immersing us into the life of Christ as He walked on earth. Time spent alone with God is where we are being known.
Here are three things to encourage us in the fight:
- Pray without ceasing. Every day begin anew with alone time with God. Bringing His Word and His Spirit, along with our believing hearts and hearing ears, will reset our hearts into His faith hope and love.
- Abide in His word—With the gospels we read two or three chapters each day aloud. Hearing with our ears, seeing with our eyes, understanding with our hearts, we return to Jesus and He heals us.
Today, Tuesday, we are reading Matthew 14 and Luke 8. Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will read Mark 5, and 6; and by the time we get to Easter, we will be reading Luke 24, and John 21.
To see or download the entire journey in the gospels, please click here.
- In everything give thanks. Giving thanks for the mercies of God we advance without fear. Eyes on Jesus! No time to worry about what we must face; we are facing the Lord in His mercy and grace. He overcomes our enemies as we praise Him for His mercy.