I am so excited with the movement of the Holy Spirit in our midst! The Father is indeed giving us the best gift, the promised gift, for the “now” time we are experiencing. In honor of the Holy Spirit’s ministry to glorify Christ and take all that is Christ and announce it to us, this coming Pentecost Sunday, June 9th, at both our 9 and 11 am services, we will present ourselves to give away ALL that we have found in following Jesus in our journeys with Him thus far.
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Act 2:1-4).
As in the Day of Pentecost, so we too wait expectantly on the Lord now, with eager anticipation. We know there is so much more… WE ARE ON THE VERGE OF THE GREATEST OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. This is not meant to stir hype—we’ve all known (or heard of) those moments in church history where hype and human strife have tried to produce or maintain moves of the Spirit– but rather, with child-like faith, we acknowledge, welcome and celebrate the sound of Holy Spirit coming! There is a principle that in giving what we have, we then open ourselves to receive what we do not yet possess. Therefore, it’s time to give away what we have, and to receive what we do not yet have. We say, “YES”!
I invite you all to JUMP IN THE RIVER and join us for healing, deliverance, prophecy, worship and declarations of Resurrection Life in Jesus this coming Pentecost Sunday as we celebrate Jesus with a big, thankful sound! There is already such a sound of life, love, hilarity, joy…a removal of reproach by God’s sovereign hand in this season of the “Summer of Love”. Whether it was during our recent Memorial Day “Summer of Love” picnic extravaganza, or anticipated in our summer festivities ahead–like the sound of freedom and Holy Spirit fellowship in our upcoming June Wednesday nights; our next-level-love Men’s Wave conference July 13th; the groovy “Summer of Love” VBS July 15-18; transparent “Love Experiences” Wednesdays in July; or super real “Love, Marriage and MUCH MORE” August 17th— there were and will be plenty of opportunities to receive the love of God and the fellowship of Holy Spirit! All as we magnify Jesus, the One whom we love.
For this coming Sunday, June 9th, please! Invite your friends and family, all are WELCOME! We’ll provide healing, deliverance, prophetic, dance and worship teams to minister to everyone in the service. As you bring your friends and everyone who needs a touch from Jesus, please expect to receive Christ’s riches, fullness, freedom, and newness of life for yourself, too! Teams of ministers from all our Jubilee ministries will be laying hands and prophesying, imparting Holy Spirit, and declaring Jesus’ healing and deliverance. Personal ministry will be bountiful for everyone, and prophetic ministry will come to all those joining us online, too!
May I challenge and encourage you in this week ahead? As we position our hearts to receive all that Holy Spirit wants to bring this Pentecost, please pray in the Spirit a lot, as much as you can! By doing so, there is a corporate agreement, by Holy Spirit, to align and agree with His purposes, heart, and power. Amen!
I believe we are all so hungry to receive Holy Spirit’s fullness and fellowship; so again, rather than hype, let us simply position our hearts in and by the Spirit, with thanksgiving, to receive and celebrate HIM! I release grace to pray in the Spirit this week and beyond; may there be upgrades in joy and the “spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Ephesians 1:17b).
We are so excited and expectant to celebrate Jesus and His EXUBERANT LIFE! May you all be so blessed, loved, confirmed and completed in Jesus in our “Summer of Love” ahead!