We have entered into a New Year, a New Decade, and a New Season for His Glorious Church. As the Desire of All Nations stands up and His glory fills His Temple (His body), the nations shall shake in order to come to the Desire of All Nations (Haggai 2:7). The old dislodges and, even in the midst of chaos, freedom comes. Inside of righteousness, joy and peace, the love of God is poured out in all hearts through the Holy Spirit (Revelations 5:10; Romans 5:5; 14:17), and His glorious church will reign on earth as kings and priests unto their God.
“For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.’ But you would not,” (Isaiah 30:15, NKJV). Here are four simple yet profound things we are called to do in order to not react to the shaking, allowing us to instead reign in Christ. Inside of Christ there is no shaking, only His glorious victory and triumph. Let’s look at these four things, as calling us “into Christ.” In other words, we return “into Christ”, rest in His completeness, quiet ourselves in His love, and become confident inside of His faithfulness. We need go no further than “into Christ”. A simple prayer I have been praying is: I return all of me into all of Jesus Christ. I enter fully into His rest and into His completeness over me. I quiet myself in His love, looking for the mercies of Jesus Christ into eternal life. I trust in His faithfulness and hold fast my boasting and confidence in Him, because He is faithful Who promised
You may be asking, Why bother? With so much going on and so many threats in the air, why not take some action? Because the world was saved through the intimacy of one Man with His Father, and the world will come into this salvation again through the intimacy of the church with Jesus Christ. Being joined together in Spirit and truth, His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all, and Christ the head, will see all of His enemies made His footstool.
God knows us in our weaknesses, just as we know Him in His strength. Honest moments of discovery lead to returning and rest, as well as quietness and trust; all of which, bringing salvation and strength.
I return all of me into all of You. I return all I do into all You have done. I return and rest in quietness and confidence in You Lord Jesus!